
Smash Negativity Team

Why Do Men Like Virgins? Reasons behind Men’s Attraction to Virgins


Have you ever sat down and faced the puzzle question, “Why do men like virgins?” I mean, is there anything exciting about virgins that makes them alluring to men?

There’s this thing that draws men to a lady who has not done “the deed”, It makes them wild and crazy over the lady despite there being signs she is not a virgin, which can be disregarded or unnoticed by some men.

Research has also shown that the men who show a stronger preference for virginity in a romantic partner are mostly young men, conservative men, men who have been without sex for an extended period, and men who are themselves virgins. Who are the men who show a stronger preference for virginity in a romantic partner?

In this article, we will look at various reasons why guys are attracted to virgins. We’ll look at the factors that make virgins so tempting to lots of men.

Answering The Question “Why Do Men Like Virgins?”

The following reasons below will answer this question that might have been bothering you: “Why do men like virgins?”

1.  Higher Self-Esteem

A man’s self-esteem shoots right up when he’s had sex with a virgin. It gives them an intense sense of pride that they were the first man to taste a woman and have any form of physical intimacy with her.

They Consider it an honor, and when men feel honoured , their self-esteem peaks. Some of the reasons why they feel honoured include the following:

First, the chance of being the first person to experience intimacy with a girl and take her virginity is an opportunity many guys consider an advantage.

Secondly, just the feeling that you’ve claimed something no one else will or can ever claim is highly honorable; it’s just like you’ve gotten something special that no one else can boast of.

2. It Fulfils A Fantasy

Yes, you read right; this is another answer to the question, “Why do men like virgins?” A lot of men have this magnificent fantasy about being with a virgin. They want a ‘saintly’ girl who hasn’t given way to the world of desires and sex and is only ready to be theirs.

They imagine it and daydream about it and most times have a desire to fulfil this fantasy of theirs. It seems exciting to them. Guys love to venture into undiscovered territories; it excites them that they’re the ones to introduce a woman to the unfathomable pleasures of intimacy.

It is also thought that it’s easier to please virgins and that they’re less demanding and are willing for the guy to take charge during the steaming moments of sexual intimacy.

Research has been carried out to support the idea that virgins excite older men for several reasons and these were the reasons discovered after the research why older men prefer to be with virgin women:

Firstly, the men are excited to introduce young women to the delights of physical closeness; one must venture into an unexplored area, which is exhilarating.

Secondly, virgins are sometimes perceived as having more significant inexperience. For guys used to being with experienced women, this can be a welcome change of pace.

Sexually inexperienced women also tend to be more hungry to please their partner, which is another attraction compared to other experienced women. They could be less inclined to make unreasonable demands or expectations in bed. The attractiveness of virgins to many guys is their naivety and desire to please.

3. They Can Be Influenced

Men believe they can influence women who are virgins and shape them into what they desire in a woman during intimacy. They can groom the woman to believe that their purpose is to serve their husbands and only be with them. They also try to influence their beliefs and values.

4. The Risk Of STDs Is Averted

One of the most important risks of having sexual intimacy with experienced individuals is the risk of contaminating several diseases, such as Herpes, Syphilis, Chlamydia, and HIV. There’s a popular adage that says, “When you have sex with someone, you are having sex with everyone they’ve had sex with.“ So some men consider it wise to go for women who are virgins so that they won’t have to bother about STDs when having sexual intimacy.

One good way to answer the question “why do men like virgins?” is that they would love to protect their health as more and more people are increasingly having unprotected sex.

The fact is that virgins are less likely to have STDs. It makes sense that virgins are viewed as a safer option than non-virgins in a world where we are continuously flooded with information about the risks of unprotected premarital sex. And although there are always hazards involved in any close relationship, the likelihood of getting an STD from a virgin is noticeably reduced. Virgins are unquestionably a more desirable option for guys (nearly all of us) who respect their health and safety.

5. Tighter Hymen

Some men have this false hypothesis that virgins feel better physically. In reality, it is the muscle tone that matters more than virginity, not the hymen. But it is a prevalent notion that virgins are tighter and will give more pleasure. This misconception attracts some guys who think they’d enjoy the pleasures of physical intimacy more with an untouched virgin.

6. Evolution

After conducting a study on animals, it was revealed that males often prefer virgin mates. From an evolutionary standpoint, this ensures that their offspring are theirs. So to ensure that their genes are passed on, some men prefer having virgins as their partners.

7. Fewer Comparisons

Who doesn’t hate comparisons. This is another reason guys like virgins; there are no comparisons. One won’t be able to compare unless they’ve tasted a difference. To compare, there must be another experience.

When you’re with someone who has had other partners before, it’s only natural to compare the experience to what you’re doing now. Was that person better in bed? Did they last longer? Was the foreplay more exhilarating?

With a virgin, there are no other experiences to compare to, so the guy can feel confident that he is the best they’ve ever had.

This can be a huge ego boost and make him feel more desired. Furthermore, guys want to be the most fulfilling partner possible and feel like they are providing an amazing experience for their partner, which gives them a sense of satisfaction. With a virgin, the man feels like a standard.

8. Pureness And Innocence

Guys greatly admire innocent and pure girls. It could be because they haven’t yet “touched” the world, or maybe it’s just that they are so novel and refreshing. They stand out from everyone else due to some aspect of their alleged innocence and purity.

One could say that a woman with a low body count appeals to men because they represents all that is right and pure in the world. They remind us of our previous, uncorrupt nature.

There’s just something about a girl’s purity and innocence that seems to drive guys wild. Virgins represent everything good and wholesome in the world to some men.

9. Feeling Manly

Some guys feel like they’ve accomplished something when they’ve slept with a virgin. Just the sensation that someone gave you something that is considered valuable in society can make a man feel manly.

10. Powerful Shared Experience

Two individuals experiencing intimacy for the first time is always memorable. It creates a special type of bond. Especially if you’re both losing your virginity. A mutual first-time awakening awakens both partners to physical intimacy in a powerful way. It’s a vulnerable, raw, shared experience. For two virgins, it’s a chance to explore this new side of life together. Those first intimate moments can form an incredible bond. The shared excitement and nerves make it all the more potent.

11. A Chance To Grow Together

One enormous appeal for guys is the chance to teach a virgin about intimacy—the feeling of guiding an unexplored, naïve girl into the path of sexual intimacy. The exciting feeling of drawing the drapes of sex and listening as she moans in pleasure to the new feeling is exciting to men and promotes growth. It can be satisfying for men to watch someone blossom under their mentoring. Of course, virgins tend to be eager, enthusiastic learners in the bedroom, which most guys enjoy. Getting to be the one to introduce them to physical pleasure and help them open up sexually is a tempting opportunity for many men.

12. Women Talk About Firsts

It is normal to be excited when you’ve tried something out for the first time. People tend to always talk about their first experiences and place emphasis on whether they would like to have such experiences again or not.

Women place high importance on their first time. They see virginity as the ultimate gift they can only give once. Men know that taking a woman’s virginity gives them a permanent place in her life.

As her first lover, she’ll remember him forever, just like the saying “There’s nothing like a first love,” regardless of future relationships. It satisfies the male desire for exclusivity and conquest.


There are various reasons why men like virgins, and many times those reasons come down to exploration, innocence and challenge.

It also serves as an exciting adventure for some men as they venture into the green and fertile lands of the untouched woman and this makes them feel like they’ve gotten a territory for themselves. Men may view virgins as being a challenge, and as you know, men love challenges.

Furthermore, Virginity represents exclusivity, character, and purity. Men also favor virgins because they’re less likely to compare themselves to previous partners or have STDs.



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