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Who is a Logical Learner? Everything You Need to Know

logical learner

If your child is good with numbers and asks plenty of questions, they may be a logical learner. Regardless of whether you have a rational learning style, you can teach this youngster strategically.

A logical-mathematical learning approach is suitable for subjects such as math and science. They are process-oriented, which logical students enjoy. So, how do you support your logical learner with difficult subjects?

Continue reading to understand how to apply your logical learning skills to any subject.

Who is a logical learner?

A rational learner has a fundamental need to comprehend what she is learning. Memorizing facts will not fulfill a child’s logical learning approach. Logical learners thrive on organized and sequential processes.

Advantages of the Logical Learning Style

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  • They are excellent at following instructions to solve a problem or conduct an experiment and remembering them the next time.
  • They gain from the use of graphics, whether actual, conceptual, or abstract. They will enjoy developing their charts and graphs.
  • They are usually quite organized.
  • They enjoy figuring out how different pieces of a system function together, whether in the form of a sentence diagram or a chronological chronology.
  • They are goal-oriented.
  • They are quick to identify patterns and like categorizing.
  • They make decisions based on facts and reasoning, with little regard for emotion.

Disadvantages of the Logical Learning Style

  • They may have difficulty with mnemonics. It may be easier for them to remember the categorization levels of kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, general and species than to recall a meaningless sentence about King Philip.
  • They despise ambiguous directions. Be as precise as possible about what the assignment is. Provide a rubric for older students so they can check all of the items.
  • They will likely struggle with open-ended, creative assignments. That does not imply that you should avoid these assignments. Logical learners might simply require more prompts to get started.
  • They can become so preoccupied with details that they overlook the big picture. When you notice this happening with your logical learner, take a moment to zoom out. Make sure they grasp the bigger picture and why the study is vital.

Is your child a Logical Learner?

If you’re not sure what your child’s learning style is, take this quiz. Remember, many people have more than one strong learning preference.

Keep in mind that any child can learn in any manner; nonetheless, the learning style quiz will show their preferences and strengths. Logical learners frequently overlap with visual or kinesthetic learning styles, although they may also prefer verbal learning tactics.

Most students can benefit from a variety of learning styles, including some that do not always align with their abilities.

Activities for Logical Learners

Logical learners will love problem-solving exercises. These activities can also help learners with various strengths enhance their logic skills. Because success in life requires a variety of learning experiences, all kids can benefit from several learning opportunities.

The activities presented here may apply to a variety of topic areas. To maximize their effectiveness, employ them to assist logical learners with subjects in which they may struggle.

1. Solve logical puzzles and riddles

Logical learners enjoy a good riddle. Logic puzzles are a form of conundrum in which the clues provided are insufficient to solve it. Typically, these puzzles are answered by filling in a grid with X, where two objects are mutually exclusive, and O, when you find the right connection.

2. Learn coding

There are numerous coding activities available, including those for young children. My daughter has a robot that she can program to travel on a map by making left and right turns and straight moves. For older children, internet programs like Khan Academy and Code.org are excellent for learning to code. Logical learners will enjoy coding due to the orderliness and step-by-step nature of the commands.

3. Conduct a survey

Logical learners will like creating a survey and presenting the results on a graph. This will necessitate active listening and the development of analytic abilities. For example, while reviewing the survey findings, they may discover that specific respondents answered questions in unexpected ways. Students might explore what caused those respondents to answer differently and what extra questions to ask to gain a better understanding of what’s happening.

4. Play tri-bond

Give pupils three terms and ask them to identify what they have in common. Logical learners may choose to work on this individually rather than in groups.

Here’s an example. What do a computer, a piano, and a house have in common? They all have keys.

They have a variety of keys, which is why this exercise challenges our minds. Play “one of these does not belong” with small children. Show the youngster four objects and ask which one doesn’t belong. Make sure she has solid reasoning to back up her decision.

5. Make Venn diagrams of similarities and differences

A Venn diagram consists of two overlapping circles. In the overlap, you can document what is common, such as lizards and birds (both lay eggs). On the lizard side of the circle, you would write characteristics unique to lizards, such as scales. On the bird side, you may put “feathers.”

6. Use manipulatives

Manipulatives are beneficial to all learners. Logical learners will like categorizing manipulatives and creating patterns with them.

7. Create timelines

Timelines can be used in a variety of ways, even outside of history classes. Logical learners will like the organized visual representation of occurrences.

8. Generate anchor charts

Document patterns and procedures on colorful posters that you can display in your classroom.

9. Conduct thorough research on a certain issue

Logical learners enjoy organizing information and investigating through questions. A research project provides an excellent opportunity to delve deeply into a topic.

10. Identify patterns and make forecasts

Logical learners may quickly identify patterns and “see” what should happen next.

Logical Learning Strategies

Here are several methods for teaching different disciplines to logical learners.


Mathematics is likely to be a natural fit for logical learners. He may be able to mentally solve difficult math issues. It is critical in the early years to insist on demonstrating his work when answering arithmetic problems.

He will appreciate the orderliness of the procedures involved in solving a mathematical problem. In subsequent years, demonstrating the processes will help the logical learner recall the procedure when situations become more complex.


This is typically a strong subject for logical learners. They enjoy asking questions and learning how and why experiments operate. Encourage all questions and support your child’s exploration process. If it takes you beyond that, you can go consult an expert.


Logical learners are typically competent at detecting cause-and-effect links. Use timeline projects in history lessons to help your logical learner identify these linkages. The timeline’s visual representation will also assist a logical learner in remembering the order of crucial events.

They may even be able to forecast what will happen next using their pattern-recognition abilities. Maps are also an excellent way for logical learners to visualize the history and geography they are studying.


Many kids dislike sentence diagrams. When I was a kid, I used to commiserate with my diagram-hating peers, but I secretly admired the order and logic of diagrams. They demonstrated how each component of speech worked together to convey meaning.

The English language is infamous for having grammatical rules that are routinely broken. Logical learners may struggle with rule-breaking words. These ideas also apply if you are homeschooling and studying a foreign language.

Literature & Poetry

Your logical learner may enjoy reading for leisure but dislike attempting to comprehend literature and poetry. Systematize the procedures they should follow.

Encourage inductive and deductive reasoning as they read the text. Allow the pupil to ask questions to better grasp the content.

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