
Smash Negativity Team

What Your  Ex Thinks When He Sees You: 6 Possible Things that goes through your Ex Mind

Dating Tips For Women, Love and Relationship

Breakups can be nasty and good too, depending on which side you are coming from. And if you and your ex are living in the same state, county, zone, street, or village, chances are you will run into each other often. What happens when you meet your ex?  Have you wondered what your ex thinks when he sees you?

Okay, by my choice of words, you would have figured I’m talking to the ladies. Ladies, hi, how’re you doing? This article today is for you. Today I want to take a dive into the mind of your ex, dig deep and sieve through it to discover what he thinks when he sees you.

Without wasting time, let’s consider what your ex thinks when he sees you.

1: He Thinks You Are Gorgeous

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Many times, what your ex thinks when he sees you is that you’re gorgeous and beautiful. He might be admiring your beauty—your body shape and size, or your hair and makeup.

Maybe you’ve paid attention to your looks and dressing and now look way better than before. He’s definitely going to be wondering what has changed since he left you and how good you looked.

2: He Thinks He Dodged A Bullet

What your ex thinks when he sees you might be that he dodged a bullet. This is true for him, especially if you were too much for him and treated him badly during the relationship.

If you were bossy, loud, a wild spender, an abuser, or anything like that, when he sees you again, he’ll be so glad you are no longer in his life. Maybe you prevented his friends from gaining access to him even when they were not bad and prevented him from having guys nights out, or you ran his credit card to the ground, or you insulted and emotionally abused him, and now he is happy he dodged a bullet that would have maimed him for life.

Maybe his finances are more stable now or he is able to walk around and do things without thinking about what your next reaction will be. In that case, I say, “Good for him.”.

3: He Thinks He Lost A Gem

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Sometimes, what your ex thinks when he sees you is that he lost a gem. This is what he would think, especially if he treated you badly. If he shut you up, restricted access to your family and friends, sabotaged your jobs and career, emotionally, verbally or physically abused you and other mistreatment, best trust that when he sees you thriving, either on your own or in a new relationship, he’s going to regret ever throwing you to the dust.

When he sees you, he is so full of shame and regret for missing a gem like you.

4: He Thinks You Are The Worst Thing That Happened To Him

Some guys curse the day they ever met their exes because their lives spiraled out of control from there. I know you might think this is similar to dodging a bullet but no. Dodging a bullet has a short lifespan but this one right here is very long.

When a woman mistreats her ex for a very long time and after getting out of the relationship, he is still trying to find his feet, he thinks you are the worst thing that ever happened to him. If for any reason you both cross paths, he might look at you with so much venom, treat you like a plague or warn others about you, even though you claim to have changed. The damage you did to him is so great that recovering is really hard. This might be what your ex thinks when he sees you.

5: He Thinks You Are Doing Well For Yourself

What your ex thinks when he sees you could be that you are doing well for yourself. He might have heard you crush your goals or accomplish your dreams, either from people or the news, and he has now seen it with his own eyes. Perhaps you’ve had those goals in mind then but were unable to accomplish them (either because he could not help you or because you couldn’t).

I have a good story for this one. So there was this lady I heard of who could braid hair. She was dating one guy at that time who was broke and without sense (pardon me). She had this big dream of owning a very big hair salon and employing many people to work for her, and she told her then boyfriend. He laughed loudly and asked her if she had the money or brains to own a business.

He insulted the little one she was doing and made fun of her dream, while it was the little hairdressing she did that put food on their table. One day she had the opportunity to winning free training with a big hairdresser, dumped her boyfriend and went to upgrade herself.

Years later, she was established by the trainer and successfully owned, employed people and managed her own hair salon. She later ran into her ex one day and took him to see the dream he mocked. He admitted that she had really done well for herself. Don’t ask me how he’s doing.

6: He Thinks He Was And Is Still Better Than You

This point has me laughing out really loud and I’m like, “really?” It’s true, though. What your ex thinks when he sees you is that he’s way better than you were and is better than you are right now.

He might be the arrogant type and think that because your life is not as good as his, as perfect as his or as successful as his, he is better than you. He doesn’t see that you’ve acquired a degree, opened your own business, stayed above debt for many months and years, built a family and many other small wins you’ve had. He’s measured everything on a large scale and finds you wanting. Well, good riddance to him.

On the other hand, you may have spiraled lower than when you were together. Maybe there were some habits you picked up that he tried to help you stop, characters he tried to get you to change but you refused, which may have led to your breakup. In that case, he actually thinks he was better and is better than you, and sis, he’s not wrong.

Wow. This has been an interesting read, if I must say so, and I do. In this article, I’ve tried to dig into your ex’s mind to discover what he thinks when he sees you, and I’ve been successful. It wasn’t easy, but what wouldn’t I do for you? I hope you got your answers and learned a thing or two here.

Let me ask you this question: from thinking you’re gorgeous to thinking he dodged a bullet, from thinking he lost a gem to thinking you’re the worst thing that ever happened to him, and from thinking you’ve done well for yourself to thinking he was and is still better than you, what was your favorite point about what your ex thinks when he sees you? Do you think these thoughts are justified and why? I’d really love to see your replies.



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