
Olajumoke Oyaleke

What to do if the Heroine Escapes from the Book – 6 Best Things to do

when the heroine Escapes from the book from

Have you ever imagined what to do if the heroine escapes from the book? Did you say that is crazy stuff right there? I know you are thinking about the possibilities of this in your head; I know it is a crazy thought, exactly. Imagine you have written a story and the plot revolves around a female character. You talk about her life escapades and discuss her flaws; the next thing you see is that female character you have written about standing next to you.

What, then, should you do? Do not panic. We have got this. Let us find out the best way to handle the situation below and what to do if the heroine escapes from the book.

1.  Stay Calm

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The first tip to guide you on what to do if the heroine escapes from the book is to remain calm. It would be best if you did not freak out because of this. You need to understand the intent of this character. Why is the character out in the first place? What is the motif of this character? This will help you know the best way to handle the situation.

2. Find where the heroine escapes to

When the heroine escapes from the book, you need to figure out how it escapes, whether through a portal or from the book’s pages. You should also find out where the heroine escaped so you can use other connected characters in the book to find where she escaped. After finding her, the next thing to do is discover the reason for her escape.

3. Find out the motif of the character

What to do when the heroine escapes from the book is to find out why the character is out. What is the intention of that character? You must know why the heroine has decided to leave the book.

Is the heroine out of the book because she is probably not satisfied with the situation that revolves around her in the story? She is perhaps dissatisfied that you have painted her in an awful way for the audience; what if the reason why the heroine is out of a book is that she is trying to tell you that she wants a different narrative painted about her?

Finding out this motif will help you know the next course of action to take. It will help determine the steps to take when the heroine escapes from the book. You may have to get the other characters in the book prepared to rescue and help find the heroine.

4. Have an open communication with her

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After you have understood the intent of the heroine and found out the reason why the heroine of the book has decided to come out of the book, the next thing to do is have open communication with the heroine. Let her know who you are and help her understand that she has just escaped from a book that you are there to help and that you have her best interest at heart.

Be empathetic with her and try to understand her point of view. This will help you and your heroine reach a consensus on what the best thing to do next is.

5. Decide on the next thing to do

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After communicating with the heroine, the next thing for you to do is to make a decision. You have control over the heroine, so you can decide if you want her to go back to the book or if you want her to live a life outside the book where she explores her world.

Whatever your decision is, whether it’s to let her go back to the book or leave her to live a life of her own in the real world, you have a significant role to play.

If you decide that the heroine should go back into the book, you are going to have to present her with convincing reasons as to why you think the heroine should go back to the book.  You can also see the help of other characters in the book to help the heroine, who has escaped from the book, go back into the book.

Also, if you decide to let the heroine from the book live a life of her own in the real world, you need to help her adjust to the real world and get accustomed to her new life. You must help her navigate the new life she is about to embark on and learn how to cope and survive. So, what to do if the heroine escapes from the book is for you to decide what the next thing to do is.

5. Be prepared for the unknown

When a heroine escapes from the book, you need to get yourself prepared for the unknown, as you are not sure about what the heroine may decide. The heroine might be confused about what decision she wants to take, or she may not be convinced enough of why she needs to go back to the book.

6. Try to resolve the conflict

There is a reason why the heroine got away from the book, and understanding this reason will help you know how to resolve the conflict in the story with the heroine who left the book.

You may need to listen to the pains and troubles of the heroine. If she is hurt, what are her reasons? Is it possible that she is not pleased with how you have made her look in the book? There’s something wrong; listen to her and find a way to resolve these conflicting issues.

You may have to make some adjustments to the plot of the book so that it will help the heroine go back to the book and also prevent her from escaping from it again.


The idea of a heroine escaping from a book can seem complex. Still, it’s under control if you can effectively implement all the steps that have been stated to guide you on what to do when a heroine escapes from the book.



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