Mamta Rani

Tips For Getting Your Child To Brush And Floss Regularly

dental care

Parents all want the best for their children, and one aspect we strive to ensure is good dental health. From an early age, we must teach children the practice of brushing their teeth and flossing regularly, an essential element in maintaining excellent oral hygiene. At Ironwood Pediatric Dentistry, we understand the importance of developing routines, so let us help make the process less cumbersome and more efficient!

Why Is Oral Hygiene So Important For Children (Part One)

Before we discuss how you can persuade your child to brush and floss regularly, let’s first explore why dental hygiene should be prioritized among children. Maintaining healthy teeth and gums is necessary for several reasons, including academic achievement and better overall health.

Preventing Dental Issues: Proper oral hygiene practices can be an effective means of protecting children against common dental problems like cavities and gum disease.

Concerns Regarding Aesthetics: Maintaining healthy teeth contributes to an attractive smile, giving your kid greater self-confidence.

Proper Speech Development: Oral health and speech development in children are intrinsically related, with proper speech development directly tied to good oral hygiene. Issues related to dental health could impede children from properly pronouncing words.

Nutrition: Good dental health is vital to efficient chewing, which in turn is necessary for digestion and general nutrition. Chewing plays an essential part in providing essential nourishment for daily life.

Build Habits That Last A Lifetime: Establishing proper dental hygiene from an early age sets the groundwork for maintaining whiter and healthier gums throughout life.

Practical Tips To Help You Get Your Child To Brush And Floss Regularly

1. Start Early

Early introduction to dental care for your child is vitally important. Prior to your child getting his or her first tooth, use a soft damp cloth to carefully clean their gums with care before they receive their initial dental visit. As soon as their first tooth appears, use an age-appropriate toothbrush.

2. Be A Role Model

Children often learn by observing their parents. Let your child see you brushing and flossing your own teeth regularly. This not only sets a positive example but also makes the activity more enjoyable.

3. Choose The Right Toothbrush And Toothpaste

Select a toothbrush with soft bristles and a small head suitable for your child’s age and development stage. Ironwood Pediatric Dentistry recommends that youngsters use fluoride toothpaste in small doses; ensure the one you select has been certified as meeting these guidelines by the American Dental Association (ADA).

4. Make It Fun

Make brushing and flossing a fun and engaging activity. You can turn it into a game or play your child’s favorite song while they brush. There are also toothbrushes and toothpaste designed with appealing colors and characters to make the experience more enjoyable.

5. Establish A Routine

Consistency is key to forming habits. Set a regular schedule for brushing and flossing, such as morning and bedtime. Having a predictable routine helps children understand what’s expected of them.

6. Use Positive Reinforcement

Praise and reward your child for their efforts. Positive reinforcement, such as stickers, a small treat, or extra playtime, can motivate your child to brush and floss regularly. Avoid using negative language or punishments related to dental care.

7. Let Them Choose

Allow your child to select his/her own toothbrush and toothpaste at the store; creating a sense of ownership over their dental care tools may increase enthusiasm for using them.

8. Supervise And Assist

Until your child is around 6 or 7 years old, you should supervise their brushing and flossing to ensure they’re doing it correctly. Help them with any areas they might struggle with, like reaching their back teeth or using floss.

9. Use Age-Appropriate Techniques

As your child grows, their dental care needs evolve. Be sure to adapt your brushing and flossing techniques accordingly. Ironwood Pediatric Dentistry can provide guidance on the best practices for different stages of childhood.

10. Be Patient

It’s natural for children to resist new routines or activities. Be patient and understanding if they occasionally resist brushing or flossing. Gently encourage them and remind them of the importance of good oral hygiene.

11. Visit The Dentist Regularly

To keep your child’s teeth healthy, they need to go to the dentist regularly for check-ups. Ironwood Pediatric Dentistry recommends scheduling a dental visit every six months to monitor their oral development and address any concerns.


Assuring your child regularly washes and flosses their teeth is vitally important to their overall health and wellbeing. You can help develop great oral hygiene habits in them by starting early, making dental care fun, and serving as a positive role model – this will serve them throughout their lives!

At Ironwood Pediatric Dentistry, we are committed to helping children maintain healthy smiles. We hope these tips will guide you in establishing excellent dental care routines for your child. Remember, a little effort now can lead to a lifetime of healthy teeth and gums.

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