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Egyptian Traditional Clothing: 10 Unique Types to Check Out

Traditional clothing reflects our cultural identity and never goes out of style. Egyptian Traditional Clothing speaks a language that everyone can understand. Egypt, which is one of the oldest countries existing, has clothing that has been worn in ancient Egypt from the end of the Neolithic period (before 3100 BC) to the collapse of the ...

Olajumoke Oyaleke


Brazil Traditional Clothing: 7 Unique Types

Brazil is one of the countries with diverse ethnic groups and a rich cultural heritage. The country comprises a fusion of diverse populations of Indigenous Portuguese, Africans and other major groups like Italians, Spaniards, Germans, Lebanese and Japanese. These are people with different origins and beliefs occupying the same geographical space. What comes to mind ...

Olajumoke Oyaleke


Irish Traditional Clothing: 10 Unique Types

The Irish traditional clothing has an interesting background and a rich history. Ireland has different traditional attire, with each piece having its uniqueness. The clothing and style of the Irish have continued to evolve, as has their clothing. There has continued to be a development in the clothing of the Irish, and new styles and ...

Olajumoke Oyaleke


Cambodian Traditional Clothing: 7 Unique Types

Cambodian Traditional Clothing – Cambodia is a country in Southeast Asia blessed with a beautiful, amazing, and naturally blessed landscape. Traditional clothing is a reflection of the deep connection that exists between the Cambodians and their historical experience. The cultural attire gives a clear exposure to the depth of Cambodian culture. The colorful textures of ...