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Uncovering the Sleep-Mental Health Link in Adolescents

The importance of sleep for maintaining mental health is well-documented, yet often overlooked, especially in adolescents. In a stage of life marked by rapid physical, emotional, and psychological changes, sleep plays a critical role in ensuring that teenagers are at their best, both mentally and emotionally. The intricacies of how sleep affects the adolescent brain, ...

Grace Nwajiaku


8 Things You Should Stop Doing For Your Teenager

Congratulations! Your child is transitioning into a teenager. Well, there’s no denying that this period can be both challenging and thrilling. You won’t need to make every decision for them again or even monitor their activities frequently to ensure they don’t harm themselves. But hey, you should be concerned that they can jump on your ...

Desire Uways


10 Subtle Signs of a Spoiled Teenager

Child training is, sadly, one of the most challenging tasks on earth. As parents, oftentimes, in a bid to provide our children with whatever they need, we unknowingly, through our actions, make them grow into spoiled teenagers. A spoiled teenager refers to an adolescent who has been excessively indulged in or granted too many privileges, ...