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14 Kinds of Students

Similar to the abundance of fish in the ocean, there are a diverse range of kids in a classroom environment. This article will help both students and teachers have a general understanding of the various kinds of learners and students. These many kinds of students also contribute to the operation of each educational environment. Examine ...

Grace Nwajiaku


Positive Discipline in the Classroom: Fostering a Supportive Learning Environment

Positive discipline is like a magic wand that creates a harmonious and productive learning environment. It is based on a philosophy that emphasizes mutual respect, firmness, and kindness. This concept is rooted in the belief that discipline should be instructive rather than punitive. Positive discipline teaches self-control and empathy by concentrating on solutions and proper ...

Chinonso Nwajiaku

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How To Pass An Exam Successfully – 14 Surefire Tips

Writing and passing an examination is an important aspect of academics. Every responsible student intends to pass the exam. That doesn’t fully depict being knowledgeable or having high prowess, but it plays a major role in success in your field of study. It is paramount that a student does well in the examination. To stand ...