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Territorial Meaning In Relationship: 8 Different Meanings

In any relationship, whether it’s romantic, platonic, or familial, the concept of territory can play a significant role. Territory refers to the physical or emotional space that an individual considers to be their own. The concept of territorial meaning in relationships refers to the significance that individuals attach to specific places or subjects within their ...

Joy Ayaya


7 Signs He Finds You Attractive

Love is a beautiful thing. Being in a relationship with someone you love is more beautiful, and attraction is one of the spices of a beautiful relationship. Attraction in a relationship is a chemistry that triggers one’s emotions, especially at first sight. When a man desires you, anything can make him find you attractive. It ...

Mary John


Lunch Date Meaning: 5+ Meaning For Guys and Ladies

In plain sense, a lunch date refers to meeting with a person for a meal at midday. It is usually a chance to catch up with an old friend or connect with someone on a personal or professional level, but in a less formal setting. However, in our world today, once the term ‘lunch date’ ...