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Joseph Kalu


Apology Flowers for Wife: 11 Special Flowers To Say Sorry

We’ve all been in a scenario where we needed to apologize for saying or doing something inappropriate. It is critical to acknowledge that we all make errors, but that our ability to hold ourselves accountable for our actions determines the type of person we are. We understand that saying “I’m sorry” can be tough and ...


Emotional Letter to Husband After Fight

  Dear Husband,   I know you might not want to hear my voice or see me right now, which is understandable, but I hope you get to read this letter. Maybe this is the wrong time for me to express my gratitude to you for choosing me among the other ladies out there. But ...


8 Year Age Gap Relationship: What to Expect and How to Thrive

In romantic relationships, concepts of age disparity, including what determines an age disparity, have developed over time and vary among societies. This era of modernization is no longer a newbie to age-gap relationships; hence, the increased number of couples engaged in age-gap relationships. Some studies have shown that relationship satisfaction reported by age-gap couples is ...

Mary John


My Wife Has No Desire For Sex What Can I Do?

Lack of sleep is one of the most common complaints among married people. Sexual intimacy is one of the pillars on which a marriage is founded; therefore, it can be frustrating to have a sexually intimate marriage. So we have a question: If my wife has no desire for sex what can I do? Before ...