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How to Make Nigerian Meat Pie

Meat pie is a nice appetizer to take while you wait for your main course meal. Meat pie is a pie with a filling of minced meat and other proteinous, savory ingredients. They are found in cuisine menus worldwide. Nigeria or the Republic of Nigeria, is a west African country with diverse tribes and over ...

Smash Negativity Team


15 Health Benefits of Ogbono Soup

Ogbono soup is known to be a traditional Nigerian-made dish. It is also known to come from ogbono seeds and while preparing it, it is combined with fish, meat and vegetables. Some people prefer to call it ‘draw soup’ because of its slimy nature. Ogbono soup makes eating fufu interesting. When it comes to Ogbono ...


Popular US Breakfast Food

Many Americans eat three meals a day: a quick breakfast, a sandwich at the work area, and a full evening meal. But given the chance, while on vacation or on a weekend morning, they will appreciate a special breakfast with family and friends. The American breakfast may be a comparatively straightforward meal with cereals, pastries, ...

Smash Negativity Team


Healthy Lunch Ideas For Weight Loss 

Having a nutritious lunch is super important for shedding a few pounds and keeping our energy levels up all through the day. It also helps to control our cravings and stops us from making the wrong choices at dinner by choosing unhealthy food. The timing of lunch can be a bit flexible, depending on our ...