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8 Sneaky Signs He Pretends to Love You

Often, in our desperate desire to love someone and be loved back by them, we tend to overlook some red flags that depict signs he pretends to love you. In their pursuit of self-interest and a desire to be in a relationship, certain men resort to feigning affection for their partners, using them as mere ...

Desire Uways


9 Signs an Emotionally Unavailable Man is in Love with You

Emotionally unavailable men are not so hard to come across. They tend to be distant, avoid intimacy, and struggle to open up emotionally. However, despite their reputation for being difficult partners, emotionally unavailable men can fall in love. Yes, you read that right. While it can be challenging for them to articulate their emotions, individuals ...

Desire Uways


8 Subtle Signs He Secretly Wants You Pregnant

Getting pregnant and birthing a new life into the world is a beautiful and fulfilling experience that every woman would want to have. However, before embarking on such a momentous decision, it is crucial to ensure that both partners are aligned, as bringing a child into the world requires the active participation of both parties. ...



15 Physical Signs He Just Slept With Someone Else

Guess you have been looking out for the physical signs he just slept with someone else. Have you been having suspicious feelings about your husband or boyfriend? Are you feeling cheated? Is he acting distant lately? Perhaps his body language has confirmed all your fears. Though determining whether he is cheating or not can be ...