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12 Psychological Facts About Crushes

A common occurrence that happens at various phases of life is having a crush. It’s a strong emotion of desire, infatuation, or attraction for someone else. Although they can be overpowering and perplexing, they can also be exhilarating. There’s more to a crush than just physical attraction. It involves social contacts, common interests, and personality ...


Hug From Behind: 7 Things it Means

Hug from behind is one of the most comforting hugs to get; it can be intensely romantic, sweet, and playful. How do you feel when your spouse or crush moves toward you and then wraps his or her arms around your waist? Amazing, I know. Are you curious to know if they are just offering ...


Unexpected Kiss on the Cheek: 15 things it Means

A kiss on the cheek is a simple gesture that can carry a variety of meanings, depending on the cultural context and personal relationships. Cheek kissing is a common cultural practice in many parts of the world but the meaning and social etiquette can vary greatly depending on the context and cultural background. It’s very casual ...


20 Types of GFs

The different types of GFs are common around us. Ladies possess distinct and unique personalities that can be traced back to the background they came from, their previous lives, or the challenges that shaped them to be who they are. There are two-faced girlfriends who act happy when they are around you, whereas they are not. ...