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7 Signs You Are More like Roommates Than Spouses

What are the 7 Signs You Are More like Roommates Than Spouses? Do yourself a favor and answer the following questions before you proceed. Does your partner still notice your new hair, clothes or looks? Does your partner still call you those sweet pet names you loved when you first got married? Does your partner ...


7 Signs of A Negative Person

What are the 7 signs of a negative person and how do you deal with that person? Have you ever met someone who, after spending time with you,  seems to suck out all goodwill and positivity from you?  Within a short period, you feel tired and drained from holding a simple conversation. Many can relate ...

Damilola Aturamu


How to Deal with A Breakup When You Still Love Them: 18 Practical Steps

Breakups, especially when both parties still have feelings, can be agonizing due to reasons like distance, communication issues, or differing futures. Despite the pain, healing occurs over time. The possibility of remaining friends might exist. A breakup can damage self-esteem and cause loneliness. Coping and emerging stronger is possible, even though it seems daunting. During ...

Joy Ayaya


What Does It Mean to Dream of Your Partner Cheating Spiritually?

Dreams are part of us. Dreams most times convey real messages and sometimes they’re just a reflection of the state of our mind. A reflection of the series of thoughts, images, current happenings around us, and sensations occurring in a person’s mind, especially during sleep. Dreams always convey a message. Paying attention to the message ...