
Mary John

10 Shocking but True Signs Someone Is Manifesting You


Have you ever read about the law of attraction? If you have, good. If you haven’t, let’s give you a brief summary. The law of attraction says you can attract what you want into your life by focusing on it.

This is very important for manifestation. People use the laws of attraction to manifest someone. What this means is that someone somewhere wants you to be a part of their life and is doing all they can to draw you to them. They are speaking to the universe, saying exactly what they want, and believing they will receive it. What they want might be you, and so they begin to manifest you.

Have you wondered if someone is manifesting you? Do you want to know the signs so you can check on your life?

If your answer is yes, this article is for you. Here you’ll find the signs someone is manifesting you and what those signs mean. Let’s get into it.

Signs Someone Is Manifesting You

Sign 1: When The Person Is Always On Your Mind

This is the most common sign someone is manifesting you. When you suddenly discover someone is on your mind every day, every minute, every fortnight, or more than usual, you should consider that person is manifesting you.

You can also know if someone is manifesting you if they filter into your thoughts when you’re sleeping, working, doing house chores, or on the road, such that you cannot concentrate on your task anymore.

You might say the above-mentioned forms do not happen to you. Fine! How about when you find yourself scouring a person’s Twitter feed, Insta stories, Instagram page, and other social media out of the blue when, some minutes, hours, days, weeks, or months ago, you didn’t know this person existed?

Truly, that is a sign someone is manifesting you.

Sign 2: When You Keep Running Into This Person(S)

One of the signs someone is manifesting you is that you will keep running into them.

Maybe the person left town a few years ago or you haven’t heard from the person in a while, and all of a sudden you see the person everywhere – on your way to work, church, an event, school, or your children’s playdate. It’s a sign the person is manifesting you, or vice versa.

Did you stop to wonder why that friend of yours who moved away many years ago and popped into your mind a few days ago is suddenly in town? Or why did that neighbor who moved out of an area when you falsely accused him return when you discovered you were the one at fault?

It may be that God wants you to settle your conflict, and so He is manifesting each of you to each other.

Sign 3: When The Person Creates A Reason To Be Around You

There was this person who was always around my friend. He would always find a seat beside her, volunteer to be her partner for tasks, or suddenly appear when she was carrying heavy loads and needed help.

He would call her every day and arrange to give her a lift to and from school. He’s always asking her for advice on something, inviting her to events she likes, and asking for her help on projects and stuff. He was manifesting her, hoping that their being together would create a space for a relationship between them.

When you notice someone is always around you, devising creative reasons to contact you, and is deliberately seeking you out, not because of your actions or a coincidence, know it is a sign someone is manifesting you.

So the next time you see that professor, student, colleague, or stranger acting this way towards you, you should immediately identify it as a sign they are manifesting you.

Sign 4: When You Feel Like You Have Met Them Before

This is the feeling of deja vu. There are times when you meet a person and feel like you have met them before, somewhere or at some time, and connected with them then. Your mind tells you you have never met them, but they seem really familiar to you.

It’s something you can’t explain. Sometimes you might even ask them if they’ve met you before or talk to them, and suddenly everything is ticking. The person matches your energy, thinks like you, and you have a lot in common. This person you’d never met before that moment.

One sign someone is manifesting you is that when you meet them for the first time, you feel like you’ve met them before or known them before, and as we said earlier, this feeling is often hard to describe. You just know.

Most often, they are answers to a prayer you’ve been making or something you expected to happen.

Sign 5: When You Dream About Them

Alexander Grey, Unsplash

One of the signs someone is manifesting you is that you see them in your dreams. It could be a face, a body, or just a feeling of their presence.

If you randomly dream about someone, it means they have successfully manifested you. That way, you stay conscious of them without them intruding on your life.

This could be a good or bad thing. It could be a bad thing if something bad happens to you after the dream. It could be a good thing if you experience favors, successes, and warnings after seeing the person in your dream.

Sign 6: When You Feel Like Someone Is About To Come Into Your Life

Imagine you are living a happy life, doing what you know best without complaint. You go about your work with contentment, settle into discovering more about yourself, and make your dreams come true. Then one day, you feel so off.

You feel like everything is about to change and that something is about to happen in your life. More especially, you begin to feel that there is someone who has to come into your life to make all things better.

It’s a gut feeling you can’t shake off. That feeling that someone is about to come into your life is a sign someone is manifesting you.

Someone somewhere must have spoken about the kind of person they want in their life and location, and you fit that description. The universe begins to work to bring you both together.

When you eventually meet the person, it’s like the gap in your life has sealed off and you are whole again.

Sign 7: When A Person Comes Into Your Life Unannounced

A sign someone is manifesting you is when the person comes into your life unannounced and stands out.

It might be a person who helps you out with a problem you have been struggling with, a stranger who helped you take your goods to your car or picked them up when they fell, or a person who strikes up a conversation with you that helps you out with a decision. These events may not have changed the person’s life, but have helped you immensely.

On the other hand, it could be that you had the resources, time, energy, and speech the person needed to change their life. They just might have been manifesting you to be a part of their lives without realizing it.

Sign 8: When People You Know Keep Mentioning Someone To You

When people you know keep mentioning a particular person(s) to you, it is a sign someone is manifesting you and they are helping the person to do so.

They might mention the person in a conversation, talk about something the person did, suggest where you could meet the person or things like that.

For example, your friend or neighbor might tell you to check out a new bookshop in town, where you could meet someone you connect with.

A colleague might tell you about a new movie showing in the cinema, which might remind you of a person who might have been trying to reconnect with you.

In this way, they are helping someone manifest you.

There was a time when my sister told me about someone. She described the person in detail and the things the person did so well that I would be able to recognize her if I met her. Then somehow, I began to wish she would come to my area. I really wanted to meet her, ask some questions, and check if what I heard about her was true.

A few weeks later, on my way somewhere, I saw someone who looked like her. I was on a motorcycle and couldn’t stop to confirm. A few days later, I saw her again while walking on the road, and this time I stopped to talk to her. It turns out my sister had mentioned me to her during a conversation, and she wanted to meet with me as well. She kept saying she wanted a job that would take her to my town so she could meet me, and the job came.

What do you make of that? We both manifested each other!

Sign 9: When You Feel Good When You’re Around Them

This is one of the signs someone is manifesting you. A person who is trying to draw you into their life might create a positive mindset around them.

When you’re around the person, you might feel loved, heard, affirmed, and so many other positive emotions.

When you’re talking to them, you might hear them be grateful for meeting you, be grateful for something you’ve done for them, or be grateful you get to be a part of something good happening for them. These are just some of the many ways this form of manifestation occurs.

This mindset of gratitude and positive feelings is contagious, and you soon catch yourself feeling good.

Sign 10: When Something New Is Happening In Your Life

When something happens in your life that causes you to change the trajectory of your life, career, family, or relationship, it might be because someone is manifesting you.

When your life moves off the path you’ve created and mapped out for months or years beforehand, it could be because someone is manifesting you.

A sign someone is manifesting you is that something new begins to happen in your life.

It might be a loss of a position or job, a promotion to a higher position in another location, a transfer, a scholarship to another part of the world, or a paid journey around the world with a group of people, and because of these manifestations, you are moving closer to them without realizing it.

Finally, this article has explained what it means when someone manifests you and the signs someone is manifesting you. It has attempted to explain what these signs mean.

It is up to you to determine what to do when you notice these signs. Do you want the person to be in your life or not? Do you want your life to go the way you have planned or not?

If you know the person, you could reach out and speak to them about it or not.

We hope you do the right thing for your life.

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