I can recall the look of excitement on the face of a guy who liked me when I agreed to go on a date with him. Of course, I didn’t know him that well and couldn’t tell if I would be his friend or not, but I decided to let the first date be the judge of that. I prepared well and looked forward to it. Unfortunately, it rained that day, and he was late. I was waiting in the rain. Okay, not exactly in the rain; I had a little shelter, but I was still wet, cold, and tired. Strike one!
It is very exciting when you meet someone new, chat with her, and get her to go out with you. You set up the first date and ensure everything goes well. It did, or so you thought. The both of you have conversations back and forth, and you’re thinking of asking her out on a second date. However, you are not sure if it’s something she wants or not.
The world of dating is complex. It is full of expectations, miscommunications, misconceptions, mixed signals, and then learning to read between the lines. It is important to really figure out if she wants to go on another date or not because many ladies are just like me; they use the first date to judge if they will go out with the guy again or not.
How can you tell if a girl is interested in a second date? Are there signs to look out for?
Signs She’s Not Interested After First Date
This article outlines and describes signs she’s not interested after first date. It will help you determine whether to up your game or let her go. Let’s dig in.
1. There Is No Follow Up Communication
The absence of follow-up communication after the date is a simple sign she’s not interested after the first date. If she texts you first or picks up your call on the first and second rings minutes or hours after the first date and you feel the excitement in her words, it is a green light that she enjoyed the first date and might be anticipating another.
However, if she takes hours to reply to your texts, her voice lacks luster when speaking with you, her responses are one-worded, or she hasn’t reached out to you by the next day(s), these are signs she isn’t interested in a second date.
It is easy to dismiss this by saying she’s just busy, but her silence speaks volumes. If she wanted to get in touch, she would.
Like a girl, I heard about who went on a first date with this guy and ghosted him days to weeks later. She saw this guy, liked him, and gave him multiple signals to that effect. Good for her; he liked her too and asked her out on a first date. For the first date, he took her somewhere nice, and things were going smoothly until they began to talk and she caught an accent she did not like. That soured her mood, and she decided she wasn’t interested in him anymore.
She smiled her way through the date and eventually got home. Immediately after she got home, she deleted his number. He tried to reach her several times to no avail. She didn’t reply to his texts, calls, or messages he sent through people. His friends told him her non-reply to his gestures was a sign she wasn’t interested and urged him to move on.
See Also: Signs He is not interested after first date
2. Her Emotions Seem Forced And False
A sign she’s not interested after first date is that her emotions look forced. She fakes her smiles, pretends to be happy, and laughs or frowns at the right times and places with no real emotions involved.
The human mind is capable of identifying when an emotion is false, and if you notice a false emotion, know she’s not interested in you, not to talk of a second date.
It might be that she doesn’t like something about you and wouldn’t be plain with you, so she tries to fake it through your conversations.
It’s like what happened with a boy I know who liked a girl who was of a higher class than him. He brought her flowers, dropped sweet notes for her, assisted her with her projects, and finally asked her out on a date.
She went just because he bugged her and was miserable all through. She started nodding her head to everything he commented on, smiled when his face took on a smile, and laughed at a joke she didn’t find funny until the date was over and she went home. When asked by her friends if she would go on another date, she screamed, “Never!”
3. If Your Communication Was One Way
Some guys think a sign the girl they’re out with is interested in the date is that she will be the one initiating the conversation. This is funny because one main reason a girl would dominate a conversation is if they don’t find it stimulating or if it looks boring. Also, if she doesn’t want to divulge information about herself, she will turn the conversation toward you. She’s doing it that way so that there are no lingering ties of knowledge about herself between you two.
Another form of this is when you dominate the conversation by sharing stories, asking questions, and trying to get to know her better but giving her no room to answer back. All she’s hearing is stuff about you, you, and you. That puts her off and closes her mind to a second date.
If she dominates the conversation on a first date or if you talk about yourself so much that she can’t make an input, know for sure she wouldn’t be interested.
4. If She Displayed Negative Body Language During The First Date
One of the signs she’s not interested after first date is her body language. Body language is one key to knowing if your partner is interested in you. Even if she was friendly and engaging during the date, pay attention to her body language.
What did she do on the first date? Did she lean in close to you? Was she more interested in the view outside the window than in front of you? Was she making eye contact during conversations? Was she more interested in her fingernails and phone?
We understand that body language is tricky and can vary from person to person. She may react that way because she’s just shy, but until that is confirmed, negative body language always indicates a lack of attraction, interest, and possibly no future date.
5. When You Don’t Share Her Values
Women won’t be interested in another date with someone who doesn’t share their values. From the first date, you can deduce her values and the things she’s passionate about. If your response was one of indifference or disagreement toward these things she’s passionate about, chances are she won’t be interested in you anymore. She needs to feel you both are at least going in the same direction, but if not, goodbye.
6. If She Rejects Physical Contact

A sign she’s not interested after first date may be a rejection of physical contact. Granted, not every woman shows attraction through physical contact, and its absence might also mean she’s not ready to take things to the next level, but a slight touch on the arm during a hearty laugh or an accidental brush of hands creates intimacy and deepen connection.
However, if she shuns your every attempt at little physical contact like hugging or holding hands, she is likely not interested, and that’s her way of trying to create boundaries.
It is also noteworthy that some people are naturally reserved or shy and may not be fully comfortable with such displays when they aren’t that familiar. You should respect that and keep your distance
7. If She Brings Up Potential Partners
This sign is a major indicator that she’s not interested after first date. Yes, there is nothing wrong with keeping her options open and going out with other people, but once she starts to discuss other men with you and makes it the topic of conversation, she’s not interested in you.
If she’s asking your advice on men she’s dating, she’s saying she’s not interested in you. It’s time to move on.
8. When She Tells You Plainly
This is the surest sign she’s not interested after first date. This sign saves you the stress of thinking so much or running around confused.
Most ladies would plainly tell you she’s not interested in you after the first date. If she’s nice, she may offer an explanation that can placate and ease your mind. If she’s not nice, she’ll bluntly tell you the reason or that she’s not interested in you.
It may sting at first but you should be grateful that she chose to be honest and upfront instead of wasting yours and her time. The best thing you can do is respect her decision and move on.
In conclusion, not everyone would want to go on another date after the first, and it may be because she’s not interested in you. The first date was an introduction, and the introduction made her turn in the other direction.
This article explored and described several signs to help the man decipher if a female is interested in him after first date. If you have noticed any of the signs we mentioned above, it might be time to move on.
However, if you’re unsure and still feel you click, the best thing to do is talk to her and ask what’s going on, as there could be other explanations for her behavior. But don’t lose yourself in trying to get another date with a woman who doesn’t want to.
If she’s not interested anymore, it’s better to know sooner rather than later, as it will save you stress and heartbreak.
Now, to conclude my opening story, the conversation did not go as well as I thought, and I was greatly displeased and regretted going. I never went on a second date with him.