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Smash Negativity Team


Hypegiaphobia: Symptoms, Causes and Lifestyle Changes

Hypegiaphobia is an overwhelming and irrational fear of responsibility. The word hypegiaphobia is sometimes referred to as hypengyophobia, derived from the Greek ‘Hypengyos,’ which means responsible, and ‘Phobos,’ which means fear. This phobia can trace its roots back to early development. An example might be a parent who is “over parents” not allowing their child ...

Rebecca Siggers


Sydnеy Plumbing: Expеrt Tips, Valuablе Advicе, and Essеntial Info

Introduction to Your Trustеd Sourcе for Sydnеy Plumbing Insights Whеn it comеs to plumbing sеrvicеs in Sydnеy, you nееd a rеliablе sourcе of information to kееp your homе or businеss in tip-top shapе. In this comprеhеnsivе blog, wе will еxplorе a rangе of topics rеlatеd to plumbing, offеring еxpеrt tips, valuablе advicе, and еssеntial information ...

Rebecca Siggers


When Safety Matters: A Guide to Work Accidents and Compensation

Workplace accidents can happen instantly, but their effects can last a lifetime. When an injury occurs on the job, workers have legal rights to seek compensation and medical care. Understanding these rights is crucial, yet the system can be complex to navigate alone. This guide examines common work accidents, steps for reporting them correctly, and ...

Mary John


Koinoniphobia: Signs and Causes

People are afraid of a lot of things in life but this fear doesn’t stop them from performing their daily tasks. There are some intense fears, however, that can disrupt a person’s daily life. This type of fear is called phobia. There are many phobias a person can experience, including koinoniphobia. Koinoniphobia is an intense ...