5 Simple and Powerful Science of Happiness to Make You Happier

Joseph Kalu

5 Simple and Powerful Science of Happiness to Make You Happier

Happy, success

The pursuit of happiness, which is listed in the Declaration of Independence as one of our unalienable rights alongside life and liberty, is quite large and frightening. It might be tough to know where to begin at times, especially given how frequently American culture and conventional wisdom get it wrong.

After studying the science of happiness in Stephanie Harrison’s book “New Happy,” I know there are simple yet powerful, research-backed strategies you can take to experience increased happiness right now. The more you practice, the more natural they will become.

These five simple and powerful sciences of happiness spread throughout your day can transform it.

1. Focus on the next step rather than the overall objective.

5 Simple and Powerful Science of Happiness to Make You Happier
silviarita, Pixabay

Pursuing meaningful objectives is an essential component of leading a happy life. However, ambitions that feel daunting can cause people to delay.

Remind yourself that you don’t have to complete your goal today; you can simply get a little closer. Every action you take and every progressive step you take can boost your hope and motivation.

Begin small. Set a timer and tell yourself, “For the next ten minutes, I’m going to do something that moves me closer to my goals.” For example, if you want to establish your firm, brainstorm prospective names and goods until the timer goes off.

2. Recognize the good that surrounds you.

Our brain’s negativity bias, along with Old Happy’s cultural training, makes it all too easy to focus on what we don’t have: the promotion we didn’t get, the thing we wanted to buy, or how we don’t feel good enough.

However, studies suggest that the more you redirect your attention to what you already have, the more satisfied you will be. So, ask yourself, “What’s going on right now?”

There’s a lot to be grateful for, including a helpful colleague, a conversation with a dear friend, a tasty supper, and a lovely sunset. All you have to do is pause and notice it.


3. Perform an act of compassion.

Aristal, Pixabay

Helping others is one of the most consistent and effective ways to feel better. Kindness can improve your emotional and physical well-being by lowering your blood pressure and cortisol, a stress hormone.

Take a moment to think about who in your life is having a difficult time and what you could do to help them. It might be as simple as sending a text message, sharing a hilarious video, delivering a meal, or inviting them to spend time together.

4. Ask for help as needed.

Tumisu, Pixabay

The culture we live in, which I refer to as Old Happy, tells us that we must do everything on our own. As a result, you may come to believe that asking for help equals “giving up” or “failing.”

But it truly demonstrates your determination to persevere, improve, and grow. When you’re suffering, think about who in your life has done what you’re trying to do and what kind of assistance you require. Then reach out and ask for it.

We vastly underestimate how much others want to help us. Because committing acts of kindness makes people happier, you are also providing someone with the opportunity to experience happiness.

5. Share your feelings with others.

5 Simple and Powerful Science of Happiness to Make You Happier
nextbike, Pixabay

According to a study, sharing your feelings with someone you trust is considerably better than keeping them to yourself.

For example, sharing good news with someone in your life can boost your happiness while also allowing them to experience it. When you are in agony, having someone hold your hand decreases the degree of your suffering.

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