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Comfort Etim


Guy Cancels Date without Rescheduling

In the dating world, there are several situations one may experience that will leave you feeling confused. One of these is a scenario where a guy cancels a date without rescheduling. When a guy cancels a date, zillions of questions run unhinged through your mind. Did he suddenly not find you attractive? Did you say ...

Comfort Etim



Dating can be challenging, plus the rise of certain dating concepts makes it seem so cumbersome. You come to a point where you likely understand how to navigate your way through a relationship and suddenly, you meet a dead end that leaves you feeling confused. This case is the concept of a cancelled date but ...


7 Ways to Develop Empathy

Have you ever encountered someone who just brushed off your feelings as not important? How did you feel? Did you feel happy about it? You felt small, right? That person was not empathetic toward you. Empathy is understanding other people and being able to relate with them to soothe them. That is why we will ...


10 Signs Someone Secretly Dislikes You

Do you always notice that odd stare when they are around you? Yes, I have been jabbed by my so-called friend and I understand what you are going through. You might want to give the benefit of the doubt to their behavior but it grew worse and you don’t seem to have figured out a ...