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Joseph Kalu


Apology Flowers for Wife: 11 Special Flowers To Say Sorry

We’ve all been in a scenario where we needed to apologize for saying or doing something inappropriate. It is critical to acknowledge that we all make errors, but that our ability to hold ourselves accountable for our actions determines the type of person we are. We understand that saying “I’m sorry” can be tough and ...


You are Sweet Meaning 

You might be curious to know what it means when a guy says you are sweet. It is a very simple but ambiguous phrase that can have several meanings depending on the context used and the relationship of the people involved. It can be a compliment from your partner or a close friend. However, when ...


Emotional Letter to Husband After Fight

  Dear Husband,   I know you might not want to hear my voice or see me right now, which is understandable, but I hope you get to read this letter. Maybe this is the wrong time for me to express my gratitude to you for choosing me among the other ladies out there. But ...