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Verify Business: Everything You Should Know About the KYB Process

The post-9/11 world significantly faces the threats of cyber-financial crimes, such as terrorist financing and illicit monetary flow from the global South to the North. Money laundering in offshore bank accounts has become a routine for wealthy politicians, business owners, and other influential individuals. Companies launder funds to their accounts abroad and disguise their money ...



Unleashing the Power of Efficiency: The Indispensable Need for E2E Testing Frameworks in Software Development

Efficiency in software development is of utmost importance. A streamlined development process is vital to providing timely delivery of high-quality products at reasonable costs; one key aspect that has made an impactful statement in this area is an end-to-end (E2E) testing framework. E2E testing frameworks generally involve simulating user scenarios to test software applications from ...


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A Guide to Common Social Media Chat Abbreviations

In the fast-paced world of online communication, where character limits and rapid exchanges are the norm, the use of abbreviations has become an integral part of our conversations. From chucklesome LOLs to time-saving BRBs, social media chat abbreviations have transformed the way we interact and express ourselves in the digital realm.  In this guide, we’ll ...