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Ultimate Android Battery-saving Guide: No Extra Apps Required

You probably found this post because you are looking for ways to make your phone’s battery last longer. To address this issue, we’ve prepared a comprehensive guide on how to get the most battery juice out of your Android phone without using third-party apps. This is because third-party apps consume battery power to function. It’s ...


12 Ways Your Phone Is Changing You and How To Manage It

Picture yourself sitting at a café, sipping your favorite latte, when suddenly you hear it—the familiar buzz, ding, or melodic jingle of your smartphone. You can’t help but reach for it, like a Pavlovian response to the sound of modern life. Our smartphones have become our constant companions, our digital sidekicks, always ready to entertain, ...


5 Signs the No Contact Rule is Working (Most Obvious)

Most of the people who find themselves reading an article like this have a pretty strong belief that their ex has completely lost feelings for them. In my opinion, the no contact rule alone isn’t going to restart someone’s feelings for you all the time. That may be hurtful to hear, but the truth is ...