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Rebecca Smith


The Ultimate Guide To Selling Products Overseas: Expanding Your E-Commerce Empire

In today’s connecte­d world, the possibilities for selling products inte­rnationally have never be­en more attainable and profitable­. The global marketplace is no longe­r a far-fetched concept; it has be­come a concrete re­ality that savvy entreprene­urs are capitalizing on to achieve succe­ss. In a rece­nt survey, an astonishing 32 % of consumers worldwide re­ported making purchases from international se­llers. ...



What to Do When Event Goes Over Budget?

Depending on the size and target audience of the event, they require a huge budget for planning and organization. Sticking to every zero of the budget is often quite tricky for the organizers. Despite their best efforts, they end up spending extra, which leads to numerous other concerns. Overflowing event budgets can cause issues at ...


Top-Financial-Literacy Tips-for-Teens

Top 7 Financial Literacy Tips for Teens: Empower Your Future

Financial literacy is an important life skill that everyone should have. Being financially educated allows you to make informed financial decisions and take control of your financial destiny. Unfortunately, such an important topic is not taught in schools and colleges. But no problem! This blog article will discuss 6 key financial literacy tips geared exclusively ...


Verify Business: Everything You Should Know About the KYB Process

The post-9/11 world significantly faces the threats of cyber-financial crimes, such as terrorist financing and illicit monetary flow from the global South to the North. Money laundering in offshore bank accounts has become a routine for wealthy politicians, business owners, and other influential individuals. Companies launder funds to their accounts abroad and disguise their money ...