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Grace Ehimare


10 Psychological Signs You Grew up Lonely

Your current reality as an adult can be easily traced to your childhood experiences and the environment you grew up in. Our level of socialization is one aspect of life that is heavily influenced by our childhood. Humans are social beings; it’s a core component of our existence. Anything that tampers with our ability to ...

Grace Nwajiaku


21 The Truman Show Quotes From The 1998 Classic

Right here, we’ll capture some powerful The Truman Show Quotes from the epic movie. Step right into Seahaven, a picture-perfect town with white picket fences, radiant sunsets, and a dash of whimsy that hides a remarkable secret. Released in 1998, The Truman Show is a film that perfectly blends reality and fiction, bringing us face-to-face ...

Desire Uways


17 Subtle Signs Of A Lukewarm Christian

Have you ever read the warning in Revelation 3:15 – 16 about being lukewarm and wondered about it? Here’s what it says ‘I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then, because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee ...