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8 Top Medical Schools That Accept Low MCAT Scores

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If you’re passionate about becoming a medical doctor or you’re pursuing a medical career and you wish to go to a good medical school,  I’m sure you must have heard about the MCAT exams and how important they are. The MCAT exam is a compulsory exam that students who are aspiring to get into medical school would sit for. The purpose of this exam is to assess the ability of the students to ensure they are qualified to get into medical school and become physicians.

The MCAT exam is not a very easy exam to take; even older medical students who have participated in the exams have confirmed these claims. Yet, being very difficult to pass, the MCAT test scores have a major role to play in acceptance into medical school, since most medical schools have a high acceptance rate for students who have high test scores.

Having a low MCAT score isn’t the end of the world and that also doesn’t mean that’s the end of your dream of going to a medical school because there are a lot of medical schools that accept low MCAT scores. It is very possible to still gain admission into a good medical school despite your low MCAT score because your MCAT test score is not the only factor that determines whether or not you will be accepted to medical school. In this article, we’ll be looking at medical schools that accept low MCAT scores.

Medical Schools that Accept Low MCAT Scores

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Here is a list of the best medical schools with low MCAT requirements (along with their average MCAT score) you can apply for:

1. University of Washington

The first school we have on our list of medical schools that accept low MCAT scores is the University of Washington.  The average MCAT score at the University of Washington is 509. Despite accepting students with low MCAT scores, the University of Washington has a low acceptance rate.

It’s important to know that having a low MCAT score will not stop you from getting admitted to the University of Washington; there are still other factors like your GPA, personal essays and recommendation letters that will be considered.

2. University of Arkansas Medical sciences

The University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) College of Medicine is the second MCAT-friendly school on our list of medical schools that accept low MCAT scores. The University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences College of Medicine is a public school and although it accepts applicants with low MCAT scores, the school is highly competitive.

Generally, the school has a low acceptance rate and an average MCAT score of 512. Choosing the University of Arkansas Medical Sciences as the medical school of your choice is a great decision because the university doesn’t only consider MCAT scores during its selection process but also focuses on the overall academic performance of the applicant. Other factors, like one’s involvement in extracurricular activities, GPA, recommendation letters, research experience, etc., are also considered.

 3. Albert Einstein college of medicine

The Albert Einstein College of Medicine (AECOM) is the next one on our list of medical schools that accept low MCAT scores. The Albert Einstein Medical School has an average MCAT score of 508. Although the Albert Einstein College of Medicine is known to accept applicants with low MCAT scores, the school is known for its rigorous academic process and high-quality education.

Apart from the MCAT scores, the school still considers other factors such as GPA, research experience, and more when evaluating applicants.

 4. Howard University College of Medicine

The Howard University College of Medicine (HUCM)  is one of the oldest and most highly respected medical schools for black students. The school is known for its high-quality education and its strong focus on research.

One unique feature of Howard University College of Medicine is that the school has a strong network of alumni students and a lot of them have been able to find their feet in the medical field. This platform helps to provide students with the necessary connections they need, which would help in creating more opportunities for them and mentorship too.

Although the Howard University College of Medicine has a lower average MCAT score than some other medical schools, it still looks out for strong academic performance and extracurricular activities from applicants.

5. Indiana University School of Medicine

The Indiana University School of Medicine (IUSM) is the sixth school on our list of medical schools that accept low MCAT scores.  The Indiana University School of Medicine is known for its high-quality education and academic performance, as well as its cutting-edge research program.

One unique feature of the Indiana University School of Medicine is that its academic calendar is organized in a way that allows students to finish their undergraduate degree program in five years instead of six years.

The average MCAT score at the Indiana University School of Medicine is 508, which is slightly higher than the national average of 506.

When submitting your application to the Indiana University School of Medicine, it is important to know that the selection committee doesn’t only consider your MCAT scores but also other aspects of your application, like letters of recommendation, your GPA, personal essays, etc. So, if you have a low MCAT score, it is important that you pay attention to every aspect of your application.

6. Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University

The Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University (LKSOM) is one of the best medical schools in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and accepts students with low MCAT scores. Lewis Katz School of Medicine’s average MCAT score is 509 but the school does not have a minimum MCAT score for students to be admitted to Lewis Katz School of Medicine.

This is because the school uses a whole lot of factors to consider the eligibility of applicants. So it is important that you pay attention to every detail in the application process and provide every necessary document. This would go a long way toward increasing your chances of being accepted into the Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University.

7. Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine

The Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine (CCLCM) is one of the world’s most respected medical schools. It is known for its focus on research, high-quality education and academic performance. The Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine, though highly competitive, is one of those well-known medical schools that accepts low MCAT scores.

The average MCAT score for The Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine is 511, which is above the national average. Like every other medical school that accepts low MCAT scores, the Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine focuses on the overall application of the applicants. This means that in addition to the MCAT scores of the applicant, the school also considers several other factors like the GPA, previous academic performance, recommendation letters, experience, etc.

8. University of California, Davis school of medicine

The last school we have on our list of medical schools that accept low MCAT scores is the Davis School of Medicine at the University of California. The Davis School of Medicine has an average MCAT score of 507. The Davis School of Medicine admissions committee is searching for students who are from different parts of the world and backgrounds, with a lot of experience and good academic performance. So you see, having a low MCAT score isn’t the end of the world, if you can produce a strong application with all the necessary documents, then your chances of being admitted will be higher.


In this article, we’ve looked at some of the medical schools that accept low MCAT scores. If you’ve sat for the MCAT test and you discovered that your test scores came out pretty low, well, that’s not the end of the world for you because there are good medical schools that accept low MCAT scores.

If you have gotten a low MCAT score, there are some things you can do to increase your chances of being accepted into these medical schools that accept low MCAT scores. Since these schools not only focus on the MCAT scores but also consider your overall application, it is important that you pay attention to details, ensure you fill in all the necessary information, and submit all the necessary documents to have a strong application. It’s important you focus on other aspects of your application, such as your personal statement, extracurricular activities, and letters of recommendation.

You can also think about sitting for the MCAT exams again if you feel your score is too low. If you prepare for the exams well, you may have a good chance of scoring very high, thus increasing your chances of being accepted into the medical school of your choice. It is important to know that these medical schools that accept low MCAT scores are schools with good reputations that offer high-quality education and also have good academic records. So don’t think that because they accept low MCAT scores, they are not up to standard.





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