How To Travel While Working Remotely

Smash Negativity Team

How To Travel While Working Remotely: 7 Things You Need to Know

Career, Work

Remote working has become more well-known in recent times. It allows employees to roam and discover the world while earning a salary. Furthermore, advances in technology have made it much easier for companies to recruit remote employees.

If you’re currently working remotely and would like to start traveling, this guide will provide useful tips on how to successfully balance your work schedule and travel. Take advantage of the unlimited possibilities and freedom that are available when you are able to work remotely and travel.

#1 Devise a Work Schedule

Not sticking to a fixed work routine can lead to work-related disorientation when you’re not physically bound to an office. Therefore, it’s essential to create a plan that is able to accommodate your sporadic lifestyle.

A well-planned work schedule not only increases productivity but also guarantees a steady income while moving around. Furthermore, it helps you avoid the stress of life while simultaneously managing your work and travel obligations.

#2 Consider Your WiFi Needs

When starting to work remotely, it’s important to consider your WiFi requirements. Certain remote work may necessitate sufficient WiFi for email communication, while others may demand high-speed connectivity. As a result, if your job depends on a reliable internet connection, living on a remote tropical island may not be feasible. That’s why it’s crucial to thoroughly research internet availability before choosing a destination.

If you plan to travel while working, you will encounter the need to use public Wi-Fi. Even if you work from home, or in a cafe while traveling, the Wi-Fi network administrator can intercept data. Considering that public Wi-Fi can be hacked by hackers or provided by untrustworthy organizations, it is not at all safe. With navigating VPNs for Safari browsers, you can safely open any sites on any Wi-Fi network. Using a powerful VPN service like VeePN ensures that all data is encrypted before it is sent and received. Thus, remote work becomes safe. Plus, you get the opportunity to change your IP and unblock sites with regional restrictions.

#3 Maintain a To-Do List

A to-do list is a great way to stay on top of your schedule and complete tasks with efficiency, particularly when working at home or remotely. Unlike in an office, where colleagues and bosses can provide reminders, working independently requires self-discipline. So, listing your tasks can be a useful tool to keep an eye on your deadlines and priorities, increasing productivity and enabling the timely accomplishment of the tasks.

#4 Stay in Contact With Colleagues and Employers

When working remotely, maintaining communication with colleagues and employers can pose challenges. Several factors come into play, but the time difference stands out as the most crucial aspect. If you find yourself on the opposite side of the world, you will be either ahead or behind your employer for several hours.

This is often the cause of confusion, which can lead to missed deadlines. The consequences of missing deadlines can have negative effects on your boss. which you would like to avoid. To ensure that you are connected to your work, you should make it a routine to contact your colleagues and your boss. By keeping in touch regularly you will be able to keep track of your tasks.

#5 Set a Hard Cut-off Time

While at home, I didn’t always establish a specific time to stop checking my email or Slack, resulting in work seeping into my evenings. However, while traveling, I implemented a strict cut-off time for the day. Once I finished work, I considered it done. If any emails or Slack messages arrived after the cut-off time, I simply dealt with them the following day.

This approach ensured I had ample time to relish the city I was visiting and explore new surroundings. I have also endeavored to continue this practice upon returning home, guaranteeing I don’t get consumed by work during the evenings.

#6 Travel comfortably

How To Travel While Working Remotely

Traveling light makes it easier to relocate and settle into new places quickly. You need much less than you think. Plus, I choose to bring a mouse, keyboard, and laptop stand, as I spend many hours working on my laptop and comfort is crucial to me.

#7 Digital Nomad Community

Being homesick is a frequent issue for travelers, but it can be avoided by identifying like-minded people. Search for places that have an active community of ex-pats and digital nomads, since it will allow you to make lasting friendships that you can count on when away from home.

When traveling, you’ll meet many people whom you’ll only meet for a brief period of time. It’s the reason why you have to connect with digital nomads in your area and ex-pats in order to make lasting connections.


Careful preparation for travel can eliminate most mistakes and erroneous expenses. This mainly concerns organization and technical equipment. Even if you are not a very experienced traveler, these tips will help you stay safe and focused while working, even abroad.

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