
Smash Negativity Team

How To Tell If Someone Is A Witch: 10 Subtle Signs


Do you think witches really exist? In history, witches were thought to be people, mostly women, who used spells, magic and sorcery. They are associated with spiritual and pagan practices. In modern times, their practices are solely either the practice of meditation, spiritual rituals and magic, or specializing in nature, harmony and personal growth.

Witches are people who practice different types of magic and spirituality. The idea of witches as evil people is mostly a product of fiction and cultural influence. Witches practice different traditions, including; Wicca, paganism, herbalism, shamanism, divination, etc.

Witches come from different backgrounds and may practice solo or in communities called covens, and how to tell if someone is a witch can vary depending on their type, location and practice. But conceptually, their beliefs are based on nature, personal growth and spirituality.

How To Know A Witch: 10 Subtle Signs

ArtSpark, pixabay

Before we hit these 10 subtle signs on how to tell if someone is a witch, you need to know that there’s no particular answer to the question because witches come from different backgrounds and traditions. Hence, here are a few quick picks to show that maybe for certain, someone is a witch.

1. Unconventional Spirituality

Witches usually follow unusual spiritual paths like shamanism, mysticism, paganism or Wicca. Hence, this practice is particular to them and it’s a peculiarity that no other spirit path uses.

2. Connection to Nature

Most witches carry a strong aura of connection to nature. Their practices are mostly outdoor rituals, gardening or working with plants.

3. Symbols and Talismans

Witches may wear symbolic jewels, crescent moons and pentagrams to connect to their beliefs. Wearing of symbolic jewels is very crucial for witches and can be used to detect who is a witch. Here are some symbols witches use:

  1. Pentagrams: five pointed stars used to represent the elements, balance and protection.
  2. Crescent moon: symbols that represent feminine energy and the cycles of life.
  3. Ankh: ancient Egyptian symbols that represent life, rebirth and eternal energy.
  4. Athame: ceremonial daggers that represent the element of air and masculine energy.
  5. Wands: tools used for channeling energy. They are usually made from wood or crystals.
  6. Pentacle: five pointed stars inside a circle that represents spiritual balance.

4. Rituals

Witches are also known to exhaustively be engaged in several ceremonial rituals. They may perform full moon celebrations, solstice ceremonies or personal spell ceremonies. Some rituals witches do are:

  1. Witches usually celebrate full moon rituals using spells and meditation.
  2. Seasonal celebrations: solstices, equinoxes and cross quarter days. Examples are samhain, yule, imbolc, ostara, Beltane, litha, lammas and mabon.
  3. Esbat ritual which focuses on the lunar cycle, normally involving spells and divination.
  4. Coming of age
  5. Wiccaning
  6. Healing rituals
  7. Moon phase rituals to honor the different phases of the moon.
  8. Astrological rituals
  9. Elemental rituals
  10. Deity specific rituals
  11. Festival rituals
  12. Rites of passage
  13. Shamanic journeying
  14. Wheel of the year rituals
  15. Ancestor honoring

5. Magical tools

Also, witches are known to always conduct their practices along with the use of magical tools like wands, athames, tarot cards or crystals for meditation or casting spells.

6. Herbalism

Some witches work with herbs, essential oils, or brew potions for protection, manifestation or healing. Some examples of potions and brews witches do include;

  1. Healing potions usually made from chamomile, lavender and peppermint for relaxation, stress relief and sleep.
  2. Protection potions made from a combination of herbs like garlic, safe and Rowan to ward off negative energies and misfortune.
  3. Love potions are usually made from brewing rose petals, hibiscus and damiana to encourage love, attraction and passion.
  4. Divination potions are made from brewing mugwort, wormwood and galangal for divination and to support intuition and psychic abilities.
  5. Witches’ brew is made from secret herbs that differ depending on the witch/coven. This is used for transformation, growth and spiritual evolution.

7. Intuitive Capabilities

Most witches develop intuition and empathy from their spiritual practices and meditation. This practice is ancient and wades from centuries past, but it is still a practice that is upheld today.

8. Unusual Fashion

Here is practically another easy pick of how to tell if someone is a witch. Some witches dress in unusual fashions that are ancient or might be considered strange, like gothic, bohemian or eclectic styles.

9. Astrology or Numerology

Witches study mystical subjects like astrology or numerology. Astrology is the practice of divination about human affairs or natural occurrences with kinks to celestial bodies. While numerology has to do with numbers and humans.

10. Gemstones

Gemstones have magical properties and witches use them in spells, rituals and meditation. Some popular gemstones include:

  1. Clear quartz: this amplifies intentions, clarifies thoughts and increases spiritual connection.
  2. Rose quartz increases self-love, love and compassion.
  3. Amethyst enhances intuition, psychic abilities and spiritual growth.
  4. Smoky quartz: this grounds and protects someone, helping to clear negative energies.
  5. Citrine attracts abundance, positivity and joy.
  6. Black tourmaline protects against negative energies and grounds.
  7. Amazonite soothes emotions, calms stress and promotes communication.
  8. Sunstone encourages joy, positivity and empowerment.
  9. Moonstone connects to the divine feminine, intuition and emotional balance.

Powers Witches Harness

Although they appear ancient and unprogressive, they still have strong tendencies to maintaining a life of continual growth in the aspect of powers. Witches are usually believed to harness different forms of energies depending on their traditions and covens. Some examples of these energies may include:

1. Magical Powers

For manipulating and directing energy for specific purposes such as manifestation, healing and protection. Here is how to tell if someone is a witch by their practice of magical powers.

2. Elemental control

The control of elements or powers of nature’s elements like: air, earth, fire, water or spirit, is another way of to tell if someone is a witch.

3. Spellcasting

Creating and casting spells to achieve specific outcomes like love, prosperity, or transformation.

4. Divination

Divination is the practice of seeking guidance, insight and knowledge on the past, present or future through different ways. Witches use divination to:

  1. Gain clarity on life events and situations
  2. Understand hidden patterns
  3. Make informed decisions
  4. Connect with the universe
  5. Seek guidance from the collective unconscious, spirit guides and ancestors
  6. Access information from angels and divine beings, the universe and it’s energies.

Common divination practices include:

  1. Tarot card reading
  2. Oracle cards reading
  3. Scrying
  4. Numerology
  5. Astrology and star gazing
  6. Runes and symbols
  7. Dream analysis and interpretation.
  8. Tea leaf reading
  9. Lenormand card reading
  10. Stone and rock reading
  11. Bone throwing

5. Healing energies

Witches have the ability to use healing energies for the benefit of themselves and others. These energies are often associated with:

  1. Universal life force energy
  2. Reiki
  3. Spiritual and divine energies
  4. Nature and elemental energies
  5. Personal energy and aura

Witches use techniques such as:

  1. Herbalism
  2. Plant magic
  3. Aura cleansing
  4. Touch and hands-on healing
  5. Chakra balancing.

The goals of working with healing energies include:

  1. Physically, emotionally and spiritually healing.
  2. Balancing and aligning energy.
  3. Protection from negative energies.
  4. Well-being and increased quality of life
  5. Personal growth and transformation.

6. Shape shifting

Shape shifting is a spiritual ability to transform into various forms, such as:

  1. Animal forms like cats, wolves or birds connect with their energies and wisdom.
  2. Elemental forms, like the elements of nature, tap into their powers and qualities.
  3. Spiritual forms like spiritual entities, including angels, demons or ancestors, communicate and access their knowledge and energies.

Shape shifting is often associated with:

  1. Shamanic practices
  2. Hedge witchcraft
  3. Chaos magic
  4. Wicca

7. Telepathy

Telepathy is the ability to communicate with people through your mind. Telepathy is normally associated with psychic ability and spiritual connection.

It can manifest in the following ways:

  1. Mind reading: reading someone’s thoughts and mental states.
  2. Thought transmission: sending your thoughts to someone’s mind without speaking.
  3. Mental communication
  4. Empathy: this is feeling someone’s emotions or emotional state.

8. Telekinesis

Telekinesis is another feature that opens your eyes and teaches you how to tell if someone is a witch. It is a way to control physical objects or events through one’s mind. It is an advanced skill that requires dedication, practice and strong connection to your psychic abilities. This can include:

  1. Moving objects with one’s mind.
  2. Levitating objects
  3. Spinning objects.
  4. Changing the shape or form of an object
  5. Affection physical systems or processes

Telekinesis is associated with:

  1. Advanced magic practice
  2. Psychic development
  3. Energy manipulation
  4. Spells and manipulation
  5. Connecting to the divine or universal energies

Various techniques used to practice telekinesis are:

  1. Meditation and visualization
  2. Energy and chakra balancing
  3. Spells and rituals
  4. Practicing with small objects

9. Astral projection

Astral projection is a spiritual practice where an individual’s soul leaves their physical body. This allows them to explore other dimensions and realms. Astral projection allows witches to access knowledge, wisdom and power from different realms and dimensions. This enhances their magical practice and personal growth.

Astral projection is often used for:

  1. Spiritual growth
  2. Divination
  3. Healing
  4. Communication
  5. Exploration.

Different ways that witches use to achieve astral projection include:

  1. Meditation
  2. Visualization: imagining oneself leaving the physical body.
  3. Rituals: performing specific spells and ceremonies.
  4. Dreamworks
  5. Energy work: manipulating energies to facilitate astral travel.

10. Manifestation

Manifestation can be in the form of showing off what energy they can extract or exact. Most times, if a witch does not manifest in public for others to see, they remain anonymous.


Witches normally use the power of nature and universal energy. But because they come from different backgrounds and have different beliefs, it is important to know these tips on how to tell if someone is a witch. Thankfully, the concept of witches has improved over time, helping us to understand their practices and communities even more.

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