
Chinonso Nwajiaku

How To Remember What You Study – 4 Smart Tips

Business, exam, school, study

Studying is a habit that pays off in the long run, and as studying is a skill acquired, remembering and recalling all you study is a skill to acquire. This article on how to remember what you study will expose you to a few tips that can help you acquire the remembrance skill.

Further away from our central topic is the habit of studying, which I must stress, and you need to start now to adjust because until you build a habit of studying, my tips might look like another hook that couldn’t catch a fish. Well, if you have developed the habit already, then the habit of remembering by storing information you have previously studied becomes easier.

Have you ever felt frustrated in an examination hall, during a presentation, or an interview? You couldn’t blink; you were blank and felt the emptiness of not knowing what to do, a migraine headache gathered on your forehead.

To help you master how to remember what you study, here is a step-by-step routine that works for anyone and everyone who is studying.

How to Remember What You Study


Have you ever wondered how your colleague or friend could recall all they studied in the past or previous class or day? How could they remember every detail and recall it to the fullest?

Ask no more because I’ll show you some little tricks they use, most of which are unconscious or were a deliberate effort they have mastered over time. Here is how to remember that you study for your improvement and success.

Tip 1: Go Through It Again

First, I need to establish what ‘study’ is, as a verb (according to the English Dictionary), to review materials already learned to ensure one does not forget them, usually in preparation for an examination.

If you understand the Dictionary definition very well, you will know that this first tip is the essence of studying. After reading through all that you need to read through, all the chapters, pages, and points, it is very important that you revisit all you have read again.

This trick is used to cheat your brain, which is a universal magnet of every piece of information it repeatedly comes across. Additionally, your brain gets used to this information when repeatedly exposed to it and can bring it out whenever it wants to without much stress.

After studying, you should go back to reviewing the same thing, review to retain it because nothing is retained if all you do is read and move on. Nothing is stored if not garbaged in and reviewed over and over again. That’s a trick most experts already know, so make it your habit and master how to remember what you Study.

Tip 2: Memorize It

Memorizing something helps greatly because, for the short term, if you can memorize the information you want to, then recalling and remembering them will be far easier.

Some people have confessed to having been memorizers for many of their schooling days because this is an early trick used to prepare for a presentation or exams.

That isn’t just for schooling people. A business person, an accountant, or so, can use this trick and see it work wonders in your life too.

Using this trick demands dedication, you have to dedicate a huge amount of your time to use this trick, and you have to trust the process because, at earlier times, you won’t be able to recall 100% of all you have read. If you persist and keep memorizing over and over again, then it becomes a reality for you.

Memorizing is an easier path to mastering how to remember what you study the night before a test. For a quick one, follow these steps to know how to memorize.

  1. Break it down into points with a bulletin
  2. Make an Acronym with the keywords
  3. Use abstracts words
  4. Use a colored pen to write or mark the most vital point.
  5. Say the important points out loud over and over again.
  6. Ask yourself questions and give verbal answers based on what you have read.

Tip 3: Write It Down


This point explains that to know how to remember what you study, you must first be hard-working enough to write down, if not everything, vital points.

Writing makes your consciousness take the position of a writer or an author. Take up the challenge of explaining what you have studied in your terms, with your own words, and after your likeness.

I can further advise you to add your point of understanding of what you have studied in a pictorial form because even your brain doesn’t like stress, so when it sees an interpretation in a written form, it becomes ambiguous for its comprehension.

When it’s in a pictorial format, your brain becomes excited and diffuses the information faster (individual differences occur, though).

So, next time, write it down and make it plain in your language.

Tip 4: Rest Few Minutes After Studying

Those who haven’t tried the effect often consider this trick untrue. Scientists have been researching, and each one comes with similar conclusions about what sleeping helps to do in your study life.

Notre Dame psychologist Jessica Payne and colleagues did their research on 207 students. And these were their findings:

The research shows that a good night’s sleep the night following a new learning experience improves long-term memory. Payne notes that their research is unique since they compared how sleep affected recall of semantically independent and related word pairings.

Since getting to bed shortly after learning improved both forms of memory, reviewing any material you need to retain just before turning in for the night would be wise. You might be “telling” the consolidating brain what to do as it sleeps.

Final Words


So, I’ll advise you to try these out for a better outcome in your study life. Mastering how to remember what you study is a responsibility that demands a deliberate effort. You can try all or one of these tricks and still get the desired results.

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