how-to-pass an-exam-successfully

Chinonso Nwajiaku

How To Pass An Exam Successfully – 14 Surefire Tips

exam, students, students success

Writing and passing an examination is an important aspect of academics. Every responsible student intends to pass the exam. That doesn’t fully depict being knowledgeable or having high prowess, but it plays a major role in success in your field of study.

It is paramount that a student does well in the examination. To stand out in your exams and position yourself at the top, learn how to pass an exam successfully. I’ve outlined 14 surefire tips that grant you exam success when followed.

1. Read At The End Of Every Class

Make sure you read at the end of your classes; probably the first thing to do when you get home. Skimming and scanning a day’s class lesson retains the information and make it stick to your brain.

Engaging in active reading adds up to the pre-existing knowledge you have in a subject. Especially for calculation courses, don’t end the day without revisiting what was taught in class. That way, you hardly forget any step or information passed – that’s how to pass an exam successfully.

2. Start Reading On Time

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Students should start reading and researching their course work early, upon school resumption. That’s one easy way to follow along. That’s profitable, and many successful students can attest to that.

A stitch in time saves nine. At this point, you read to comprehend and in between lines. Do both active and intensive reading, and understand the scope of the course, topics, and the big idea it conveys.

Don’t always wait to be taught before you start reading. If you wait for longer, you may find it difficult to catch up with your lecturer when the teaching commences. You may end up struggling with that course in your examination.

Early reading and research are why you were given course outlines and contents at the beginning of the semester, study during school and lesson period as though you will be writing exams the next day, and try to cover up your scheme of work. That is one key secret to exam success.

3. Source For Other Materials

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A good student doesn’t only rely on notes taken in class or the leaflet the teacher may give out as lecture notes. Source for other related materials to provide comprehensive knowledge of the topic. Such materials include textbooks and other relevant library materials. Visit online academic sites too. You have the internet to your advantage.

Your lecturer may set abstract questions not cited in their lecture notes. Reading from other sources widens your knowledge horizon and could help you answer those critical exam questions. That’s how to pass an exam successfully.

4. Go For Extra Classes

Some courses may require extra tutorial classes apart from the normal school sessions with your teacher. I recommend tutorial sessions for difficult subjects, especially in calculation courses, if you can afford them. Trust me, you will perform very well in the exam, unlike your colleagues that solely rely on the lecturer’s lessons.

Your teacher doesn’t know it all, there are tutors offline, and online that can help you greatly. Discover them and scale through.

5. Summarize Your Work


While reading, get a summary exercise book, summarize each topic in the course, writing down salient points. Set likely exam questions for yourself and answer them as you would in your exams; check your performance.

The summary can help remind you of every iota of information given in class and during your studies. That way, you’ll easily conclude a particular topic subject. That’s how to pass an exam successfully.

6. Do Not Read Too Many Courses/Subjects At The Same Time

Learn to deal with your courses one after the other. Avoid racking all the courses at the same time. Plan out your reading, subject by subject. Many students habitually go to the library with all the courses they offer, thinking they would consume them all at once.

That’s not how to pass an exam successfully. Studying is gradual, and I recommend you study one or two courses daily. Take them one after the other. Avoid reading too many unrelated books at a time; that way, you help your brain assimilate faster.

Draw your timetable and devote yourself to studying one or two courses at maximum. Focus makes one more productive.

7. Do Revisions

Ensure to revise before examination. Start revising your courses 2-3 weeks before the examination so that you can have time to revisit any topic you haven’t fully covered. Unfortunately, that’s usually the time most students begin their reading. If you plan to come out with straight A’s, you don’t want to be in that category

. That’s when your summary book should make a lot of sense.

Revision helps a great deal in how to pass an exam successfully as it recalls what the teacher had thought in class, knowledge from the textbooks, library, or extra tutorial you had, you merge them, and you will certainly pass your exams.

8. Do Not Go Late To Examination

To pass an exam successfully after you’ve studied, be prompt in your exams. Lateness to exams can affect hard-working students. Avoid coming into your exams past or in between the time. That could hamper your performance and add unnecessary pressure to you.

Imagine rushing to your exam venue sweating and panting. You may end up unlucky and run into a sad invigilator, and they take it up from there.

Sometimes you end up sitting where you don’t like or have wanted to sit, and psychologically you’d start losing focus and coordination and may forget some of the things you had read.

Go to the examination venue on time and with the right materials such as a calculator, mathematical set, extra pen, pencil, etcetera. Asking for them from others may implicate you and attract punishment from the invigilator, and of course, this can cause distraction and decrease productivity.

Target the front row; sitting in the front means, you don’t want distractions. Meditate on what you have read while sited, and avoid excess talk with friends; unnecessary noise-making and discussion sap your energy.

9. Eat Well, Sleep Well, Stay Healthy


How to pass an exam successfully deals a lot with your health and overall well-being. By all means, maintain your health, and take care of yourself. You must be alive and healthy to study, assimilate and successfully write an exam. Many students fall sick during the examination, and this may result from exam tension.

Take proper health care before school resumption and during the school period, and ensure to visit the clinic and lab when you notice any change in your health (body system). Don’t try to manage it because it may resurface and pose a serious challenge during the exam.

Eat well, and take fruits, vegetables, and beverages. It boosts your immune system, helps the brain function properly, and makes you agile.

Sleep as at when due to relax your brain and become refreshed when you get up. It would help if you had all the mental energy to scale through an exam. Rest/sleep when necessary.

10. Stick To Your Study Time Table

Many students have preferred time of studies peculiar to them. Research shows that some students prefer reading at night. Some can do calculations in a noisy environment while others cannot. Understand your preferred time of studies, draft a workable study timetable and adhere to it. That will position you to pass your exam successfully.

11. Request For Area Of Concentration

It is ideal for you to ask for areas of concentration, especially in courses you have much to cover. It will enable you to become more organized and focused. That is how to pass an exam successfully. Focus is the keyword here. If you can lay your hand on the areas of interest, your studies get simplified.

12. Make Illustrations While Writing the Exam

Making illustrations from the teacher’s class or study materials while answering exam questions shows you paid attention to the classes and have in-depth knowledge of what you are writing. That can make the teacher award your full mark. That’s one easy way to get a good grade.

13. Have A Study Group

You gain collective ideas and different ways to solve a particular problem when you study with your friends and colleagues. To learn better in a group, don’t be afraid of making your contributions. That’s the beauty of it because your contributions get criticized, and you learn better.

14. Tackle Difficult Courses

Dedicate more time to studying challenging courses than simple or familiar ones. Don’t spend so much time on the ones you already know; when you still have a hard course to tackle. Start with the difficult ones and end with easy courses.

Wrapping Up

Academic failure is a pain point for students, parents, and teachers. Hopefully, you’ve learned how to pass an exam successfully through these 14 powerful tips. They are very much doable and cannot be obscured in academic excellence. You write and pass an exam successfully by living by those key points.

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