
Smash Negativity Team

How To Know If Someone Did Brujeria On You: Physical and Mental Signs


Most people are not familiar with the word “Brujeria,”  but it’s not too far from what you have always known. Brujeria is the term used to denote witchcraft in Spanish. The practice of witchcraft varies in different countries and in different ways; however, that is not our main focus today.

In this article, we are going to be discussing how to know if someone did brujeria on you. Yes, there are signs which we can boldly say are the characteristics of one under the influence of brujeria. So in this article, we are going to discuss how to know if someone did brujeria on you in detail.

What’s Brujeria?

Brujeria is a complex and multifaceted practice that has evolved over time. It has to do with the use of supernatural, diabolical powers to manipulate people or make things happen in one’s favour.

Why Do People Do Brujeria?

People practice Brujería for various reasons, including:

  • Spiritual growth and connection: People also practice brujeria in order to deepen their relationship with spirits and the divine.
  • Healing and wellness: Another reason why people might practice brujeria is to be able to address physical, emotional, and spiritual ailments using natural remedies, rituals, and energy work.
  • Protection and defense: This is a major reason why people practice brujeria. To safeguard against negative energies, harm, or misfortune.
  • Love and relationships: Since things don’t always go the way we desire, most times in the physical, people use brujeria to attract, strengthen, or resolve romantic relationships between friends or couples.
  • Prosperity and abundance: Some people who practice brujeria believe that it is a source of supernatural prosperity and abundance.
  • Desire to Have Uncommon Power: Some people, however, are always interested in getting what a normal man cannot possess.
  • Ancestor reverence: some practice brujeria to honor and communicate with ancestors and get guidance.

How To Know If Someone Did Brujeria On You

Mysticsartdesign, pixabay

Now, we are finally getting to the sole purpose of this article. We need to know what brujeria is all about and the reasons why people partake in it. It’s time to know how to know if someone did brujeria on you.

Before we go on, we have to understand that brujeria is a supernatural and paranormal practice that can be experienced mentally and physically.

It’s physical signs may include headaches, body aches, or lethargy. However, there are many medical reasons for these symptoms; not all these symptoms listed here might be how to know if someone did brujeria on you.

The mental or emotional signs could be changes in devotion, bad luck, or nightmares. Also, we should note that witchcraft is not the only cause of these symptoms.

Physical Signs

1. Headaches

For sometime now, many victims of black magic have reported getting random, inexplicable headaches throughout the day. They attribute these headaches to a spell that someone has placed on them. Diabolical powers or activities that are paranormal have a way of acting the physical activities of one’s body system. They can inflict their victims with continual headaches.

2. Body Aches

Some spiritually-inclined individuals associate random body aches with the workings of brujeria. The worst aspect of this is that sometimes, when you want to seek medical assistance, after you have undergone several medical tests, the doctors say you are perfectly fine. You are left in your world of body pains, not being able to find out the particular cause. Nothing you do can either soothe or reduce the pains you feel; they’re just there tormenting you. This is another way on how to know if someone did brujeria on you.

3. Bad Luck

Some spiritually-inclined people believe that brujeria can actually interfere with a person’s luck and accomplishments in their day-to-day life. You might just feel extra unlucky or that you’ll never succeed, no matter how hard you try. Sometimes, when you were so close to getting a job, an offer or a scholarship, something unexpected just comes up and you lost your opportunity. These things might be natural sometimes but at times are connected with the influence of witchcraft.

In situations where other people would encounter and come out successfully, when it comes to your turn, things turn out so badly that you are shocked. In fact, sometimes people get bothered about you because this is now like a stigma which follows you around. This can be a way on how to know if someone did brujeria on you.

4. Changes In Devotion

In some cultures, victims of brujeria start to harbor negative feelings toward their spouse/partner. For reasons not known, victims of brujeria can begin to hold grudges against their parents, partners or friends. They become withdrawn, in a world of their own.

They start acting cold to people they have known for almost forever. People don’t seem to understand them, as they would not even open up. They just want to be on their own and stop doing the things that make their partners happy. Their behavior can sometimes get so bad that their partners, friends or siblings can desert them due to their cold behavior towards them. You start acting as if you don’t care about the people you would have once died or killed for. These are some of the signs on how to know if someone did brujeria on you.

5. Lethargy

According to some, brujeria can leave you feeling sleepy and make you feel very sluggish. Sometimes it is strange because people have always known you to be an energetic fellow and suddenly you start going about life without a single care and as a weak person. You become sluggish at almost all your duties. You arrive to work late, pick up the kids very late from school, prepare meals slowly and even eat sluggishly!

One might think you are very sick but within yourself, you feel perfectly fine. You just don’t have the energy to go through your normal duties. This can also be a way on how to know if someone did brujeria on you.

6. Different Eating Habits

Some people believe that someone under the influence of brujeria can experience different eating habits. You might no longer be interested in food; you just start losing your appetite, even if it was your favorite dish that was served. Food suddenly stops looking like food to you; you take a little and you’re done.

Well, in some cases, you might start consuming more than you do consume before in such a way that not only people around you get bothered about you, you also begin to worry for yourself. Sometimes you might even have to check your weight regularly because you’re scared of how you’ve been eating and nothing gets better. You keep eating like someone under a spell. This too can be a way on how to know if someone did brujeria on you.

7. Weird Items In Your Yard

Maybe this is the most potential sign you all might agree with. Most Africans can attest to this one. Witchcraft generally has to do with the use of fetish items and sometimes you can find if these in your yard. These things might be items like an odd jar, powder, bones, burned remnants or red clothes. Do you know the worst part? The worst part and the most frustrating part is that most times when you see these items, out of fear, you discard or trash them immediately and the next day you see it again. Nothing can be more frustrating.

Everyday opens up a new weird item you see and you keep living in fear, wondering how they keep getting in. These items are so strange that they cannot be mistaken with what a normal person must have discarded by mistake. Their origins speak of deities and you keep living in fear.

Mental Signs

1. Nightmares

Some people believe that those under the influence of brujeria are often plagued with really terrifying dreams. Despite all they try to do to stop seeing such terrific dreams, they just keep having it. Sometimes these nightmares are really terrifying.

Within these dreams, you might notice imagery of black-colored dogs, snakes, scorpions, and other fearful creatures coming after you. The creatures you see in these nightmares turn to human figures. These human figures, which you see, you might recognize, which makes it even more difficult for you as you start keeping enemies. You try to get help but it’s almost like the more you seek for help, the more your nightmares attack you.

2. Poor Mental Health

You stop thinking normally; rather, you begin to experience symptoms of anxiety, depression, and suicidal ideations  This can make you separate yourself from your friends and loved ones and make you feel increasingly isolated. Something keeps bothering and making you depressed but then you can’t even pinpoint the cause of your turbulence and restlessness.

You find yourself going and spending nights in clubs and drinking to stupor all in the bid to get your head off certain thoughts. But then all these never seem to help as your mental health keeps deteriorating.


As we come to a conclusion on how to know if someone did brujeria on you, it’s important to understand that the word brujeria is just another word for ‘witchcraft’ in Spanish. We looked at what brujeria entails, the use of supernatural diabolical powers to manipulate people or make things happen in ones favour.

We also saw the different motives behind why certain people practice brujeria, some of which included the desire to have uncommon power, for prosperity, defense, healing etc. We finally opened the box and saw ways on how to know if someone did brujeria on you which included both physical and mental impacts. As we wrap up this article let’s bear in mind that some of the ways mentioned here on how to know if someone did brujeria on you might be completely ordinary and might not be connected to witchcraft.


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