Staying in class requires a lot of patience, attention, and concentration, which enables a student to constantly be immune from unnecessary troubles and embarrassment that may arise from teachers as a result of doing otherwise.
For proper conduct, each and every student needs to learn how to behave in class. Learning in class is truly energy- and time-sapping, especially if the teacher is the epitome of boredom. I understand that it can be very frustrating and tiring, but what can you do other than pay attention and enjoy the ride while it lasts?
I remember when, during my high school days, towards the end of the school calendar year, a teacher was posted to our school. This teacher was a woman and was kind of short—around 1.5 meters tall. I am not trying to gender or height-shade anybody, but her voice was more like whispers; only those sitting at the front could hear her. Even though we had a public address system, which she seldom used, she told us she was not comfortable using it.
She was quite a fine teacher, but her inability to use an audible and commanding voice led to some of us taking her for granted. Students who were more concerned with her struggle to heighten her voice would often burst into laughter in the middle of her solving some equation on the board, always suffering the consequences of their actions.
It is a known fact that those who are keen to behave well in class are likely to do better than those who behave inappropriately. Concentrating in class can not only boost your academic performance but also give the teacher the notion that you are serious and appreciate his or her efforts.
Although classroom rules and regulations sometimes feel overly unfair, difficult to bear, and repressive to many students and teachers as well, for proper management of the classroom, they are worthy of adhering to. It will certainly help to structure a positive educational atmosphere for students to accomplish and experience.
Learning how to behave in class is a very good way to start acquiring knowledge, which will in turn help the student achieve his or her purpose in life. Good knowledge comes with great sacrifice from the student. It is the act of forfeiting or setting aside all the distractions and also knowing how to manage uneasy situations that come one’s way in the classroom.
The various ways students need to behave and focus in class will be highlighted. But of course, it is required of you to pay close attention and see how it will be beneficial to you. Here are the steps you should consider and take:
How To Behave In Class
1. Take Time To Make Yourself Ready Before Attending A Class
It is very important for you to prepare and come to class with all the necessary materials. When instructed to buy any materials like textbooks, periodicals, etc. that will aid your knowledge of a certain topic, subject, or course, it is ideal to adhere to it since it is for your own mental development.
2. Ignore Any Form Of Distraction

For proper understanding and comprehension of what is being taught, it is required of you to stay away from things that will distract your attention from what the teacher is saying. Be attentive; never allow distractions in your mind or around you to distract you from paying adequate attention.
Be committed by making sure that your eyes don’t fail to concentrate on the teachings of the teacher. Your purpose of being in the class is to gain knowledge; make it worth it. Listen in order to understand rather than to respond to your teacher’s views on certain topics.
3. Never Disrespect Your Teacher
The physical appearance of your teacher is not an avenue for you to be disrespectful toward him or her. It is true that some teachers have some issues that are inappropriate, but since s/he is the leader in this scenario, give him/her enough respect. It is everybody’s dream to be a leader someday, and your behavior might stink to some of your followers. You get what you dish out to those who are before you. Showing Respect to your teachers is one way to win their favor. Try to be quiet when they’re talking and be down-to-earth to listen and follow their instructions.
4. Always Ask For Permission
Take permission if there is a tangible need or reason for you to leave during the class. When given permission to leave, do so quietly without disturbing the peace in the class. It will not only save the teacher from unnecessary embarrassment but also give the teacher a place of pride in the class. Don’t be a student who is unconscious in his thoughts; be carefree.
5. Switch Your Smartphone off
Having a smartphone around you when a lecture or class is going on is a form of distraction. In order to have full concentration, be ready to stay away from it or possibly switch it off so as not to disrupt the class. Fumbling with your smartphone can lead to your inability to understand an important point or point raised by the teacher.
6. Avoid Sitting With Students Who Might Get You Into Trouble
Be careful who you sit with in class. Never mind telling your teacher that you are not comfortable sitting with certain sets of students who are unserious in the class. Don’t be afraid to report any wrong done to you by these students. Don’t take the law into your own hands by making threats or fighting it, for you will be making trouble for yourself, too! Ensure that you get the appropriate authorities involved when the need arises.
7. If You Want To Say Something, Always Raise Your hand
When you want to say something or add to a point, rather than shouting to be heard or seen, raise your hand instead. Patiently wait to be called upon or given permission to speak. If given a chance, speak or ask questions reasonably and politely, and if you are not given the opportunity to ask your questions or make your view known, it is best to write your question down on paper or in a notebook and wait till the teacher is done and meet him or her.
8. Don’t Play While Others Are working
Do not waste your time on things that are not necessary when others are working. Do your homework when instructed to do it. Study hard when told to. Your purpose in school is to acquire knowledge; never neglect that. Be reasonable enough to know when to stop playing and focus on the education (knowledge) you are there to gain. Playing when others are reading makes you irresponsible and can affect how your teacher or lecturer sees you as well as your performance.
9. Build A Close Relationship With Your Teacher

Your teacher’s advice will definitely go a long way toward molding or shaping you. Make time to have a conversation with your teacher a couple of times. Never be naive about talking to him or her. It is a beautiful thing to have a student-teacher relationship.
If you are known to be someone who always looks for trouble in class, if you really want to have a change of attitude and want to work on it, your teacher will be impressed to listen and give you the best advice you need.
Try to get to know who your teacher is. Your teacher is a human being like you with feelings, values, and principles. You will be surprised to find out great things about him or her that might never be uncovered in the classroom. Know the best way to approach them; I don’t think they will bite you. Being afraid of them will do more harm than good.
10. Be Open To Your Parents
The family is the center of every human society. Your relationship with your family is one aspect that gives you the core values you need to thrive in life. When you have issues talking to your family, especially, your parents or guardians will definitely go a long way in solving your personal issues; academic in this context.
Tell them what you are going through—do not hide anything from them for your own good—for they cannot know what is wrong if you don’t speak up. Your parents, working with the school authorities, will help in giving you the needed help as quickly as possible.
11. Don’t Get Yourself All Stressed Out On Topics
Whenever you are having problems with a particular topic or subject, try and create a positive mental image of the topic or subject; it goes a long way in making you see it from a more promising angle. Try to change your countenance or your approach to dealing with it.
Never be pessimistic about finding the solution to that equation or language subject or course you are finding difficult to comprehend. Stop racking your brain! Change your method of studying or listening when the teacher is teaching. Break that mental barrier between you and that subject or that topic that seems out of place on planet Earth!
12. Friends Will Make Or Mar You
Your ability to make friends—good or bad ones—will surely affect how you behave in class. If you want to really avoid trouble, avoid making friends with inappropriate behaviors—they will influence you badly. Have the ability to take cognizance of their attitudes and behaviors before making those boys or girls you admire so much your friends.
If possible, make only academic friends. They will help you grow academically, thereby boosting your academic performance. If you have already made the bad choice of making friends with those that can influence you negatively, try and adjust by telling them that you can’t be friends anymore, and do not be afraid to do so.
13. Always Contribute In Class And Also Make Jottings
Don’t be apathetic in class; say something if you are conversant with what is being discussed in class. Get involved in the class, never relent, and don’t be afraid to make mistakes. When your teacher is explaining, make sure you write a few points down alongside the notes he or she gave. It will go a very long way in helping you comprehend while reading later on.
The Takeaway
Be the student that is ever ready to learn, avoid distractions, don’t be disrespectful to your teachers, be humble, stay away from troubles, learn how to make good friends, know who you sit with, always be ready to learn, be open to your parents or guardians, if possible, don’t bring your phone to school, read your books, and most importantly, be in a good relationship with your teachers.
I hope this article helps you know how to behave in class. Enjoy your academic years!