
Olajumoke Oyaleke

How Long Will a Guy Wait to Text You After Getting Your Number?

Dating Tips For Women, Love and Relationship, Relationship

How long will a guy wait to text you after getting your number? This question has been a bother to both the male and female genders.

The issue of how long a guy will wait to text a girl after getting her number does not have a definite answer. The issue revolves around some factors and a guy’s judgment on what he considers the best time to text a girl after getting her number.

A guy may not want to be seen as looking desperate or being too forward when texting a girl after collecting her number. He will also try to avoid taking too long before texting a girl to avoid being seen as unserious.

He is then faced with how to strike a balance and when the perfect time to text a girl will be.

Some people believe that it should take three days before a guy texts a girl after getting her number, while others believe the best time to do that is after a week. Whichever way it is, I think 3 days to 1 week is a fair amount of time to wait before texting a girl.

I have said before that the perfect time for a guy to call a guy depends on his judgment of the situation, which may be influenced by the girl’s interaction with him before giving him his number.

A guy may call a girl hours after getting her number if he notices that the girl seems interested in him. However, in a case where the girl seems reluctant before giving her number to a guy, he may want to chill and give the girl a little time before hitting the text button on his phone.

If a girl expects a text from you earlier and it takes you a little while before you text her, she may see you as not having so much interest in her, which may make her lose interest in you.

While making your decision on what the perfect time to text a girl after getting her number should be, you have to be able to consider the conditions under which the number was given. If you have a very interactive connection with a girl, it will be better to build on the interaction that has been established immediately instead of waiting a week to text her.

The most important thing that needs to be considered is that the guy keeps it cool with the text; the process of getting to know someone you are just meeting should be a gradual one. The guy should not start by asking too many questions and sending her a lot of texts.

This may be a turn-off to her, as she may see you as a very forward person.

Since there are guys who text you immediately and ones who take time before texting you, let’s consider the two sides and find the reasons why it may take a guy to text you on time or too late

Reasons why a Guy Texts you Early after Getting your Number

islandworks, Pixabay

1. He likes you

If a guy likes you, he may find it hard to wait days before he texts you. He feels taking more time before sending you a text might make him lose you if he wastes more time before sending a text to you. If he likes you, he may just send you a text a few hours or a day after getting your number.

2. He feels that is the perfect time to text

I have repeatedly mentioned that the perfect time for a guy to text you depends on his judgment. There is no rule about when the right time for a guy to text a girl is. He may be one of those who believes in texting a girl early after getting her number. He is just following his instinct and doing what he perceives to be the right thing to do.

3. He thinks that you have an interest in him

If a guy texts you back early, it may be because he notices your interest in him. A guy can tell if a lady has an interest in him when he wants to get her number. Maybe your actions towards him during your short interaction have given him proof that you like him.

This can come from your willingness to give him your number and also from the way you interact with him. If you notice that you are eager to talk to him, maybe you find your conversation with him interesting.

He may see it as an opportunity to strike while the iron is hot instead of delaying and allowing the spark that has been ignited to go off.

4. He is curious to know about you

Texting you early after getting your number might be out of curiosity. He is curious to know more about you. He wants to know the kind of person that you are; maybe he didn’t get to know enough about you before you gave him your number.

The only information he may have about you may be just your name, and he wants to know other things about you so that he can know where to pick up.

If he did not get enough time to meet you properly before giving him your number, he may get curious about you.

5. He is available and free to text

One of the reasons he may text you early after getting your number may be that he has time to text you at that time. If he is free and does not have anything to do, he can choose that free moment to text you because he is free.

6. He sees you as an interactive and accommodating person

He may see no reason to hold back or delay having a conversation with you if he sees you as an accommodating person. He does not have to worry about what kind of attitude to expect from you if he texts you early. He sees you as someone he is comfortable texting early after getting your number.

7. He is not just meeting you

A guy who is just getting your number may have known you for a while before deciding to collect it. He may have met you once or twice and had a conversation with you before getting your number. If this is the situation, he may not see any reason to delay texting you since he does not see you as a stranger, and he might not just know so much about you.

How Long Will a Guy Wait to Text You After Getting Your Number?

StockSnap, Pixabay

1. He does not want to appear desperate

A guy may take his time before texting you after getting your number because he does not want to appear too desperate to you. Appearing too desperate might send a wrong signal to the girl, and this may be a turn-off for the girl.

2. He may forget that he collected your number

Sometimes, when a guy collects your number, he may forget that he collected it. He may only remember after a few weeks or months when he stumbles on your contact on his phone.

A guy who does not remember that he collected your number will not text you on time, and this may be the reason why he does not text after getting your number.

3. He is busy

A guy may have a lot of things he needs to attend to and may not have the time to text you early after getting your number. He may have more important business to attend to and only get to text you when he is free to do so.

4. He feels that is the perfect time for him to text you

It might make sense to him that he needs to give you time before texting after getting you. especially if he is just getting to know you. He might believe texting later is the better approach to take after getting your number.

5. He doesn’t know how to start the conversation with you

Another reason why a guy may choose to text you a little longer is because he does not know how to start a conversation with you after collecting your number.

It may be because he is not very expressive in conversation and is wondering where he needs to take off from. This may also be the reason why he chose to text you a little longer after collecting your number.


In conclusion, even though there have been different opinions on how long a guy should wait to text a girl after getting her number, there is no clear-cut time frame for how long a guy should wait before texting a girl.

What works for someone may not work for others.

In a digital age like ours, where there are now different social platforms that make texting easy, A guy can easily send a girl a hello within minutes after collecting her number and may not have to wait for days.

The only challenge that some guys may have after collecting a girl’s number is how to start a conversation with her. This might make him tarry a little longer before texting a girl after collecting her number.

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