
Smash Negativity Team

Fear of the Moon: Everything You Should Know

fear of the moon, Selenophobia

I’m sure you may want to ask, why would anyone have fear of the Moon? Well as Humans we all have different things we’re scared of.

Some people are scared of heights, others are scared of the dark, some others are scared of large bodies of water and others have the fear of the moon.

Now, fear of the moon is also called “selenophobia.” People who are afraid of the moon may draw curtains, look away from the sky, or stay inside at night. If there is a full moon, these symptoms could get worse.

It is thought that the origin of the fear of the moon is based on the belief that the moon is a symbol of insanity or madness.

Additionally, some others perceive the moon to be a terrifying or unnerving sight, especially when there’s a full moon. For another group of individuals, the moon symbolizes isolation or loneliness.

The Fear of the Moon and How it Manifests

Anemone123, Pixabay

The symptoms of selenophobia or Fear of the moon can take several forms. Looking at the moon might make some individuals feel nervous or afraid.

It can also cause panic attacks or give them nightmares.  In addition, some others might avoid staring at the moon or grow upset when the moon lights up in the sky.

Selenophobia sufferers may, in extreme circumstances, even refuse to leave their houses at night when the moon is visible.

Does anything here ring familiar to you or do you know of anyone who has experienced something similar?

Why do people have Fear of the Moon?

Although the precise etiology of selenophobia is unknown, several suggestions have been proposed as potential causes.

According to some experts, the moon’s mysterious and erratic nature could be the source of the anxiety. Its look might differ significantly night after night and it is constantly waxing and waning.

It’s also possible that the fear of the moon is rooted in a fear of the unknown or the dark. Some speculate that it might also have to do with a fear of the universe or space.

Another factor that may contribute to the fear of the moon is its historical association with insanity and lunacy in many cultures.

Most people find the expanse and darkness of space unnerving, and the moon is a constant reminder of emptiness. Have any of these worries ever happened to you before?

Considered to be a plausible reason for moon phobia is the “lunar effect.” The hypothesis posits that the phases of the moon have an impact on human behavior, mood, and mental well-being.

For instance, some think that a full moon might bring on hostility, frustration, or even insomnia.

Some people believe that the moon might induce unexplained occurrences like sleepwalking and UFO (Unidentified Flying Objects) sightings.

Hence, there are a wide variety of myths and superstitions regarding the moon and how it affects humans.

Well, the way we see the moon now differs greatly from how many ancient cultures saw it.

In certain societies, the moon was revered as a god or goddess, but in others, it was regarded as a sign of evil spirits or bad luck.

For example, the goddess Selene was linked to the moon in Greek mythology and was believed to rule the moon and also govern the tides, and shape human behavior.

Concurrently, the god Luna was regarded by the ancient Romans as the ruler of the moon and the source of madness and craziness.

Historical Examples of People with Fear of the Moon

Anemone123, Pixabay

Speaking about historical figures impacted by the moon, let’s discuss a few of them.

One well-known example is the French poet and writer Charles Baudelaire, who believed that the moon might have a profound impact on one’s mental state.

In a letter, he once wrote, “Like the autumn sun, the full moon makes me sad.”

The famous philosopher Aristotle thought that a person’s personality and even their mental state may be directly impacted by the phases of the moon.

According to his theory, those born under a waning moon were more likely to be submissive and obedient, while those born under a full moon were more likely to be impulsive and violent.

Although these theories are unsupported by science, they provide an interesting window into how people have perceived the moon historically.

Now, let’s discuss the werewolves of medieval Europe! Many people believed that some people could turn into werewolves under the full moon in the Middle Ages.

There are stories of people being tried for being werewolves, found guilty, and even put to death.

The association between the moon and werewolves was influenced by religious beliefs which perhaps contributed to this fear of the moon.

People were believed to be capable of being possessed by the devil and changing into animals. Witchcraft and werewolves were closely linked, with many accused witches believed to have assumed the shape of a wolf.

Well, now let’s discuss the Victorian age. During the 1800s, a few medical professionals and scientists thought there was a link between mental health issues and the moon.

This was referred to as “lunacy” or “lunar madness,” and the theory was that psychotic or manic episodes could be influenced by the moon. This was so-called the “lunar effect,” which described the hypothesis that the moon had an impact on people’s conduct.

I’ll give you another example from history. Jean-Martin Charcot, a French physician, was a pioneer in the science of neurology in the 19th century.

Based on his research on mentally ill people, he postulated that epileptic seizures and other neurological illnesses could be precipitated by lunar activity.

He also suggested that the beginning of these illnesses might be predicted by the phases of the moon. Even if his claims have subsequently been refuted, they demonstrate how seriously people used to regard the notion that the moon had an impact on a person’s behavior.

Psychological and Physical Symptoms of Fear of the Moon.

The fear of the moon or Selenophobia is a psychological condition that manifests as extreme fear, worry, and avoidance behaviors.

Individuals who suffer from selenophobia may make an effort to avoid engaging in lunar-related activities, such as gazing at the moon or thinking about it.

In addition, individuals can struggle to fall asleep or focus, and they may experience intrusive thoughts or visions associated with the moon.

These mental health issues can be extremely upsetting and may even interfere with a person’s day-to-day activities.

Selenophobia can cause physical symptoms such as sweating, trembling, fast breathing, elevated heart rate, and dizziness.

Even just thinking about or staring at the moon can make sufferers feel anxious, fearful, or even panicked. All of these symptoms are associated with the fight-or-flight reaction, the body’s natural reaction to a perceived threat.

Numerous factors are thought to play a role in the development of selenophobia. A traumatic lunar event, such as being scared of a full moon when you were young, could be one contributing reason. OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder) or anxiety may also play a role, as they can cause OCD and intrusive thoughts or anxieties related to the moon.

Finally, it’s common for phobia sufferers to have a family history of the condition, suggesting that the fear may run in the family or be inherited. Do you want to know how the fear of the moon can be managed and treated?

Management and Treatment of Selenophobia

Now, we’re getting down to business! The first step in treating selenophobia, or fear of the moon, is realizing that there is no real threat to worry about.

Since the moon is merely a naturally occurring celestial object, it cannot physically damage someone.

After realizing this, a person can begin using exposure therapy or cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to deal with their fear.

While exposure therapy can gradually expose a patient to the moon in a safe and controlled environment, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can assist an individual in identifying and changing the beliefs and actions that contribute to their anxiety.

It is imperative to keep in mind that treating selenophobia requires patience and diligence.

The individual needs to be prepared to confront their anxiety and work on their fear. Finding a therapist or physician with experience treating phobias is also crucial.

Most selenophobics can learn to control their fear and live regular lives with the right treatment.


Well, in conclusion, there is a divide among scientists over the possibility of a relationship between human behavior and the moon. Some believe that there is no empirical evidence to support this theory.

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