Grace Nwajiaku

60+ Quotes Domestic Violence


Domestic violence has become a thing of great concern in many homes all over the world. It has hurt a lot of people and wrecked several homes. These Quotes Domestic Violence show the strong feelings, the pain, and the bravery of those who survive domestic violence. Furthermore, they remind us how important it is to understand, care, and work together to stop domestic violence. 

Also, these quotes are like short but powerful messages that tell stories of what happens behind closed doors. They push us to pay attention and take action to make things better for everyone affected by domestic violence. So, if you or someone you know is suffering from domestic violence, these quotes can assist in providing the type of help and support you may need.

That said, let’s get started!

Quotes Domestic Violence

Quotes-Domestic-ViolenceHere are 60+ Quotes Domestic Violence to educate you.

  1. “There is no excuse for domestic violence.” – Tony Goldwyn
  1. “Domestic violence is a crime. It should be treated that way.” – Amy Klobucha
  1. “Domestic violence is not only a problem of the home; it is a societal problem.” – Marge Schott
  1. “The scars from mental cruelty can be as deep and long-lasting as wounds from punches or slaps but are often not as obvious.” – Lundy Bancroft
  1. “Domestic violence does not only happen to adults. Forty percent of girls aged 14 to 17 report knowing someone their age who has been hit or beaten by a boyfriend.” – Dianne Feinstein
  1. “Domestic violence causes far more pain than the visible marks of bruises and scars. It is devastating to be abused by someone that you love and think loves you in return.” – Dianne Feinstein
  1. “The only thing more unthinkable than leaving an abusive relationship is staying in it.” – Stephanie McPherson
  1. “Domestic violence is any behavior involving physical, psychological, emotional, sexual, or financial abuse aimed at gaining or maintaining power and control over an intimate partner.” – Diane L. Rosenfeld
  1. “Abusers thrive on secrecy and silence. Break the silence.” – Leslie Morgan Steiner
  1. “Domestic violence does not discriminate. Anyone of any race, age, sexual orientation, religion, or gender can be a victim – or perpetrator – of domestic violence.” – Kim Gandy
  1. “Domestic violence is frequently excused when alcohol is involved; however, it’s a myth that alcohol causes violence. It’s the loss of control that causes violence, not the presence of alcohol.” – Anne O’Leary
  1. “No woman has to be a victim of physical abuse. Women have to feel like they are not alone.” – Salma Hayek
  1. “Domestic violence is an appalling, worldwide phenomenon. It does not respect national borders or religious beliefs. It occurs in all societies, irrespective of the socio-economic status of the family.” – Ban Ki-moon
  1. “A woman should never invest in a relationship she wouldn’t want for her daughter, nor allow any man to treat her in a way she could scold her son for.” 
  1. “It is never okay to blame victims of abuse. It is the abuser who is solely responsible for the abuse.” – Assata Shakur
  1. “Domestic violence is both a national and a worldwide problem. It cuts across all lines of geography, income, race, ethnicity, and social status.” – Susan B. Carbon
  1. “A survivor of domestic violence can be anyone. It doesn’t matter how smart you are, how successful you are, how old you are, or what color you are.” – Halle Berry
  1. “There are no excuses for domestic violence. Ever.” – Kellyanne Conway
  1. “Domestic violence is an abhorrent violation of human rights that destroys lives, fractures communities, and hurts us all.” – Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka
  1. “A healthy relationship will never require you to sacrifice your friends, your dreams, or your dignity.” – Mandy Hale
  1. “Domestic violence is not a cultural phenomenon, it is a global problem.” – Salma Hayek
  1. “Love should never mean having to live in fear.” 
  1. “Domestic violence causes far more pain than the visible marks of bruises and scars.” – Leslie Morgan Steiner
  1. “A relationship without trust is like a car without gas, you can stay in it all you want, but it won’t go anywhere.” 
  1. “No one has the right to control another person’s mind, body, or spirit.” 
  1. “Domestic violence thrives when we are silent; but if we take a stand and work together, we can end it.” – Leslie Morgan Steiner
  1. “Healthy relationships should always begin with mutual respect.” 
  1. “Abuse is control, and there is no such thing as loving control.” 
  1. “In a healthy relationship, vulnerability is wonderful. It leads to increased intimacy and closer bonds.” 
  1. “Domestic violence is not a family issue. It is a societal issue.” – Matt Gonzalez
  1. “The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.” – Alice Walker
  1. “Love doesn’t hurt. If it does, then it’s not love.” 
  1. “The only time you should ever look back is to see how far you’ve come.” 
  1. “You are free to stay far away from toxic relationships.”
  1. “You are allowed to walk away from people who hurt you.” 
  1. “Don’t ignore the signs of an abusive relationship. Your safety and well-being should always come first.”
  1. “”No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
  1. “Believe in yourself and your strength to walk away from anything that doesn’t respect your worth.” 
  1. “Your value doesn’t decrease based on someone’s inability to see your worth.” 
  1. “Love shouldn’t hurt. Love should support, encourage, and empower.”
  1. “You can’t change someone who doesn’t see an issue with their actions.” 
  1. “There is no shame in walking away from a toxic and harmful situation.” 
  1. “Healing doesn’t mean the damage never existed. It means the damage no longer controls your life.” 
  1. “Your voice has power. Speak up against domestic violence.” 
  1. “Real love empowers, respects, and nurtures.” 
  1. “Abuse is never deserved, it’s a choice made by the abuser.”
  1. “You are worthy of a healthy and loving relationship.” 
  1. “Violence against women is an appalling human rights violation that should never be accepted, never excused, never tolerated.” – Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
  1. “If you’re brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello.” – Paulo Coelho
  1. “Your value doesn’t decrease based on someone’s inability to see your worth.” 
  1. “One’s dignity may be assaulted, vandalized, and cruelly mocked, but it can never be taken away unless it is surrendered.” – Michael J. Fox
  1. “To forgive is not to forget. To forgive is to choose to love, because it is better than hate.” 
  1. “It takes both sides to build a bridge. Don’t let fear or silence build walls in a relationship.” 
  1. “Your past is not your potential. In any hour you can choose to liberate the future.” – Marilyn Ferguson
  1. “The scars from mental cruelty can be as devastating as physical abuse.” – Beverly Engel
  1. “You deserve to be in relationships that make you feel safe, valued, and loved.” 
  1. “You can’t force someone to respect you, but you can refuse to be disrespected.” 
  1. “Abuse is a betrayal of the deepest form of trust; it is a breach of love itself.” 
  1. “You don’t have to control your thoughts; you just have to stop letting them control you.” – Dan Millman
  1. “Your worth is not determined by someone else’s inability to see it.” 
  1. “Love is not manipulation or control. Love is freedom and respect.” 
  1. “The first step in breaking free from abuse is recognizing the right to be treated with respect and dignity.” 
  1. “Healing starts when you choose to take control of your own life, letting go of what’s hurting you.” 
  1. “Real strength is shown through vulnerability, not through domination.”
  1. “You are not a victim for sharing your story; you are a survivor setting the world on fire with your truth.” 

Domestic-Violence-Quotes-2Last Words on Quotes Domestic Violence

As we conclude on Quotes Domestic Violence, be reminded that Quotes about domestic violence asks us to do something about it. They tell us to support those who suffer and change how things are. These quotes aren’t just words; they’re calls for help and courage. They tell us we must stand together, make safe places, and show kindness to end this hurt. We should listen to these words and make changes in our communities. 

Together, we can build homes where everyone feels safe, respected, and loved. These quotes can inspire us to take steps towards a world where people don’t have to be afraid in their own homes.

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