
Chinonso Nwajiaku

31 Inspiring Christian Quotes About Women

Christian Quotes, Christianity, Women, Women Quotes

Christianity has shaped history, and its views on women have been debated. Some have argued that Christianity has been oppressive towards women, while others maintain that it has been a liberating force for women. In any case, Christ Jesus our role model has modeled a path that laid the foundation for the liberation of women in history.
We saw the case where the religious bigots in his days were quick to condemn a woman caught in adultery. No reference was made to the man she was carrying out the act with. Further showing the marginalization women had to go through in those days. Jesus’ answer to that woman still sends an echo of liberation down history – “Neither do I condemn you, go and sin no more.” Christian quotes about women provide insight into how the religion has viewed women throughout its history.

Christian Quotes About Women

1. “God created woman as a unique and beautiful reflection of His own image.” – Elizabeth George

2. “A woman’s heart should be so hidden in God that a man has to seek Him just to find her.” – Max Lucado

3. “The world has yet to see what God can do with and for and through and in a woman who is fully consecrated to Him.” – D.L. Moody

4. “A woman’s heart is a deep ocean of secrets, but God knows every single one of them.”

5. “Women are not inferior to men; they are equal in value and worth in the eyes of God.”

6. “A godly woman is a treasure beyond price.” – Billy Graham

7. “A woman of faith is a woman of power.”

8. “A woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.” – Proverbs 31:30

9. “God’s love for women is evident in the way He created them with unique strengths and gifts.”

10. “A woman’s beauty is not just external, but also found in her gentle and quiet spirit.” – 1 Peter 3:3-4

11. “A woman who follows Christ is a woman who leads with grace and strength.”

12. “Women were not an afterthought in God’s plan, but a key part of His design from the beginning.”

13. “A woman’s worth is not determined by her accomplishments or achievements, but by her identity as a child of God.”

Wearing a Christian bracelet can be a great way to identify with your faith publicly.

14. “A woman’s greatest strength lies in her ability to love and nurture those around her.”

15. “A woman’s value is not in what she does, but in who she is in Christ.”

16. “A woman’s heart is a wellspring of love and compassion that flows from God’s own heart.”

17. “A woman who walks with God is a woman who lives with purpose and meaning.”

18. “Women have been called to lead and serve in many areas of life, from home to church to the workplace.”

19. “A woman’s beauty is a reflection of the beauty of God’s own character.”

20. “God created women to be helpers and partners in His work, not inferior or subservient.”


21. “A woman’s true beauty is found in her love for God and others, not in her appearance or accomplishments.”

22. “Women have a unique role to play in sharing God’s love and grace with the world.”

23. “A woman who knows her worth in Christ is a woman who can change the world.”

24. “Women have been called to be strong and courageous in the face of adversity and challenges.”

25. “A woman’s worth is not found in her marital status or ability to bear children, but in her identity as a child of God.”

26. “Women have been called to use their gifts and talents to glorify God and serve others.”

27. “A woman who trusts in God is a woman who can overcome any obstacle.”

28. “Women have a vital role to play in the kingdom of God, and their contributions are invaluable.”

29. “A woman’s true beauty is found in her character and the way she reflects Christ to the world.”

30. “Women are not just helpers, but they are also essential partners in God’s work of redemption and restoration.”

31. “Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.” – Proverbs 31:10

Last Words

Christian quotes about women reflect the beautiful ways Christianity has viewed and treated women throughout history. Hopefully, you’ve gleaned value from these quotes. Share with your friends and any woman you care about.

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