
Smash Negativity Team

10 Top Characteristics of A Virgin


A virgin is someone who has not engaged in any form of sexual activity, either oral sex, anal sex or penetrative sex.

But the big question is, “Is there a way to tell if someone has engaged in any form of sexual activity just by looking at them or talking to them?” The answer to this question is no. There are no physical signs to know if someone is not a virgin.

The virginity status of a person is usually private and personal and it is not always easy to know if someone has had sex or not.

However, there are certain characteristics of a virgin that you can see, such as being more reserved or shy about their body, having limited or no knowledge about sex, or being more cautious in relationships. In this article, we’ll be looking at 10 characteristics of a virgin.

10 Characteristics Of A Virgin

1. They are Nervous When It Comes To Physical Affection

One of the many characteristics of a virgin is that they are nervous when it comes to physical affection. Nervousness comes as a result of lack of experience. Not knowing how to respond to romantic touches or even being new to those feelings. Mild physical touches like holding hands, pecks on the cheek, a side hug or even accidentally brushing against one another might cause them to withdraw. Showing signs of nervousness is a clear sign that they are virgins and have no or little experience as it relates to being physically intimate.

2. They Don’t Talk About Past Relationships

One of the many characteristics of a virgin is that they have no meaningful past romantic relationships. It is common for someone to start talking about their past relationships when dating someone new. Someone who is a virgin may have nothing to say. When they are being asked questions about their previous partners, they either have nothing to say or they try to avoid the conversation. This is a sign that they do not have a history of meaningful relationships.

3. They Feel Shy When Around The Opposite Sex

One visible characteristic of a virgin is that they feel shy around the opposite sex. They may act dumb or clueless when trying to initiate a romantic atmosphere. If they want a hug or a kiss, they may act awkward and clueless before initiating it. This is a clear sign of someone who has very little experience.

4. They Act Uncomfortable With Sexual Scenes on Movies/Television

If you are seeing a movie together with a virgin and it gets to that part of the movie where a romantic scene is being displayed, they may try to look away from the television, excuse themselves, shudder, blush or try to do something else.

This might be a sign that they are virgins, that what was displayed is new to them and that they do not know how to respond to a romantic, steamy atmosphere.

5. They Are Always Blushing and Acting Surprised

If you discover that whenever you mention being sexually intimate with them, they blush, that could be a sure sign that they are virgins. When people blush, it is often perceived that they are uncomfortable or embarrassed. If they blush or smile so much when you talk about kissing or having sex with them without making any move, then that’s a sign that they are virgins.

6. They Value and Talk About Sexual Purity

One of the many characteristics of a virgin is that they value and always talk about sexual purity. Their values concerning sexual purity could be influenced by their moral or religious beliefs, which view sex outside of marriage as wrong. You could find them always talking about sex and sexual purity, the advantages of keeping oneself, and the disadvantages of having sex when not married. Someone who is fond of making these statements is probably a virgin and is also looking to date someone who has the same values and beliefs as them.

7. Your Dates Only Take Place in Public

To avoid the likelihood of a sexual encounter, someone who is a virgin might insist on having dates in a public place. They would kick against the idea of meeting in a hotel room or a guest house and would suggest that you meet at public restaurants, malls, parks, etc, and spend some time together. Someone who is not a virgin would prefer to have a private and intimate moment with you.

8. They Are Bad Kissers

Virgins are generally bad Kissers. This shows their lack of experience in kissing. When it comes to kissing, practice makes perfect. Being a bad kisser means that even in their previous relationships, they didn’t get physically intimate with their partners.

9. They Lack Confidence

When it comes to interaction with the opposite sex, virgins may feel less of themselves. They Lack the confidence to maintain emotional connection even with someone they love. That lack of confidence may come from their inexperience.

10. They Are Very Self-conscious

One of the many characteristics of virgins is that they are very self-conscious about their body for many reasons. They would go at any length to prevent their nakedness from being seen by others. On the other hand, they may act shy or behave awkwardly when seeing the nudity of someone else or even images.


In this article, we’ve looked at 10 characteristics of a virgin. If you’re trying to know if someone is a virgin or not, solely making your findings based on the 10 characteristics listed above may lead you to the wrong conclusion.

Although virginity is a very private and personal piece of information. If you wish to know the virginity status of someone, it is best to ask them directly. How to ask someone if they are a virgin will help you know the best way to have this conversation. Whether a person is a virgin or not doesn’t change their character or how they relate with people. The character of a person should be prioritized over their virginity status.


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