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Smash Negativity Team


Emory Office 365

When revolution takes place, it is always traced to a new idea being introduced. This happened when Emory University accepted the use of Microsoft Office 365. They adopted it for staff and students at the university. Hence, since Emory University’s acceptance to use Microsoft Office 365, all the faculty, staff and students collaboration has changed ...


CFA Exam

Understanding LEED and BREEAM Certifications [UK]

In today’s rapidly evolving world, sustainability has become a paramount concern across various industries. The construction and real estate sectors are no exception, with a growing emphasis on green building practices. LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) and BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) certifications are two prominent rating systems that assess the ...

Salman Rahat

How Long Does an IVO Last in Victoria?

What is an Intervention Order? In Victoria, Intervention Orders (IVOs) serve as legal tools designed to offer protection to individuals who may be at risk of violence or other prohibited behaviour from another person. It may prevent a person from approaching, contacting, or being within a certain distance of the protected individual. The use of ...