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8 Top Medical Schools That Accept Low MCAT Scores

  If you’re passionate about becoming a medical doctor or you’re pursuing a medical career and you wish to go to a good medical school,  I’m sure you must have heard about the MCAT exams and how important they are. The MCAT exam is a compulsory exam that students who are aspiring to get into ...


Public Vs Charter Schools Pros and Cons

In this article, we’ll be looking at Public vs Charter schools pros and cons. It is the wish of every parent or guardian to put their wards in a school where they are going to have a high-quality education and reach their full academic potential. Public schools are schools that are managed by the government ...

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12 Top Colleges For Dyslexic Students

Navigating top colleges can be challenging for dyslexic students. Dyslexia is a specific learning disorder that originates from a neurological condition affecting writing, spelling and reading skills despite normal intelligence and adequate educational opportunities.  Do you know that individuals with dyslexia often possess unique strengths in areas such as creativity, problem-solving and critical thinking? It’s ...