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6 Types of Harps 

Among musical instruments, the harp is one of the most versatile and evokes an ethereal and alluring sound. Harps are stringed musical instruments played by picking individual strings with the fingers. It is mostly triangular in shape, made of wood and some have multiple roles of strings and pedals. Harp was derived from an Old ...


14 Different Types of Parrots

There’s so much to discuss about parrots that we can take up the whole day. Parrots are such wonderful creatures that have captivated humans for centuries with their vibrant plumage, playful antics and remarkable intelligence. Did you know that they can be found on every continent except Antarctica? Whether it’s the dense rainforests of the Amazon, ...


Different Types of Plants

Plants are living things that can grow in any location on Earth. It can thrive anywhere from snowy mountain slopes to dry and hot deserts. They are an essential part of our ecosystem. They produce their foods by absorbing solar energy. They are at the heart of all life on Earth, as all living things ...