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Aww Meaning from a Guy: 10 Possible Interpretations

Dating Tips For Women, Love and Relationship

Ever heard a guy say ‘aww’ to you and you just couldn’t understand what he meant by it? Then this article is for you. Hearing a girl say aww is almost considered natural because girls aww over everything that amuses them. For guys, it’s different, as their masculinity is put to play by the words they utter and the words they utter are interpreted based on their gender.

Generally speaking, there is no one specific aww meaning from a guy; it all depends on the context in which it was said and the kind of guy. Some guys say aww when you look so adorable, some say aww when you say something that sounds cute to them, while others say aww to get close to you.

You might wonder at the difference between the perceptions of males and females after reading the second paragraph. Both male and female indeed say the word ‘aww’ but trust me, they mean different things. For example, when a girl emotionally says she doesn’t want to see you, she means the exact opposite but the case is entirely reversed on the side of the guys. Let’s go on to the aww meaning from a guy.

What A Guy Means When He Says Aww

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Basically, when a guy says aww, he means a whole lot of different things, which all depend on the context in which he said it and the kind of guy he is. This is because some guys find it too feminine to say aww, while others don’t see anything wrong with saying it, but they don’t say it too often. Let’s see the aww meaning from a guy.

1. He wants to be friends with you

When a guy says aww, he wants to show friendliness. He is just being friendly towards you and most definitely wants to be your friend. He wants to know you more and aww could be a form of encouragement to you, so you feel more comfortable around him or being free enough to express yourself when you’re with him.

2. He Is Familiar with You

Depending on the kind of temperament the guy has, an aww from him could mean he is comfortable with you and very familiar with you. A guy with a melancholy temperament would never say aww to a stranger, as opposed to someone with a sanguine temperament. Knowing the temperament of the guy can help you decipher his utterance to some extent. Do you know your temperament? You can find out how to know your temperament.

3. He Finds You Cute

An aww meaning from a guy means he finds you cute. It also means he finds what you say cute, even your reactions to certain things. For example, when some guys find girls crying while watching a movie, their first reaction to the crying girl is ‘aww’. You can find out when a guy finds you cute.

4. He Has a Crush on You

An aww meaning from a guy could mean the presence of a budding crush. He most probably has a crush on you and wants to stay around you more, so aww could just be his way of expressing his interest in you.

5. He Is Joking Around

Now this aww meaning from a guy is what is basically expressed by extremely extroverted guys. They don’t take everything you say or do seriously and just say aww to continue the merry-go-round. They say aww to lighten up the intensity of a conversation and bring about a playful mood.

6. He Is Playfully Showing Disbelief

On average, when guys don’t believe you and to top it off, when they count what you say as outrageous, saying aww is their way of telling you that they respectfully don’t believe you. This way, he doesn’t hurt your feelings at all or too much. Aww, meaning from a guy is not a show of contempt but it indicates a lot of good things.

7. He Wants Physical Affection

For some guys, aww means he wants to be closer to you physically, like sharing hugs with you and cuddling. Do not read unnecessary meaning to this, as it might simply mean he wants to be closer to you or probably he sees you as his sibling.

8. He Doesn’t Know What to Say

Most often, when guys don’t know what else to say, aww is the easiest thing to utter. Aww, meaning from a guy is when he doesn’t want to come off as insensitive and not empathetic towards you instead of saying nothing and just staring at you like a statue. Saying aww means he cares and wants you to know that.

9. He is Disappointed

Aww, meaning from a guy shows his disappointment. For instance, if you tell a guy about a bad incident, he tries to show you his sadness by just saying, aww. This doesn’t in any way indicate that his disappointment is towards you but all in all, the context in which it was used matters a lot.

10. He is Amused

Aww, meaning from a guy simply depicts amusement. He is simply amused by your antics and probably finds you funny and fun to be with. For instance, he is amused by your humor and aww is his way of appreciating you. This is the most common meaning of aww, whether it is uttered by a guy or a girl.


For most guys, the interpretation given above is the aww meaning from a guy. This means that most guys are from diverse cultures and backgrounds, so therefore, not all of them will say aww for the same reasons. As diverse as the interpretations are from each other, so is the context in which they are used. So, telling a guy that your kitten got hit by a car might make him say aww as a way of expressing sadness or disappointment towards the death of your kitty cat.

This could be translated differently when you tell a guy that you love ice cream and he finds that absolutely adorable and says, Aww. Depending on the kind of guy, telling him you love ice cream might make him say aww to express disappointment because he might be considering his bank’s account balance or probably, he is a medical practitioner who frowns at anyone with a sweet tooth.

In all, aww meaning from a guy depends on the kind of guy and the context in which it is used. So before reading too much meaning into his statement of aww, first of all, know the kind of person he is and understand the situation surrounding him at that time.



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