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What are the 7 Signs You Are More like Roommates Than Spouses? Do yourself a favor and answer the following questions before you proceed. Does your partner still notice your new hair, clothes or looks? Does your partner still call you those sweet pet names you loved when you first got married? Does your partner ...
What are the 7 Signs of High-Functioning Anxiety in a person and how do you discover them? Would you believe that a successful person who seems so put together every time battles with anxiety? Probably not. However, it is very likely, especially in today’s world where everyone everywhere has a little bit of anxiety about ...
What are the 7 signs of a negative person and how do you deal with that person? Have you ever met someone who, after spending time with you, seems to suck out all goodwill and positivity from you? Within a short period, you feel tired and drained from holding a simple conversation. Many can relate ...
Have you ever heard of or seen separated parents warring over the custody of their children? It can get very messy and utterly disgraceful. Parental alienation is the psychological manipulation of a child by the other parent. In this case, the alienating parent is brainwashing the child against the other parent, who is also called ...