Smash Negativity Team

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Unexpected Kiss on the Cheek: 15 things it Means

A kiss on the cheek is a simple gesture that can carry a variety of meanings, depending on the cultural context and personal relationships. Cheek kissing is a common cultural practice in many parts of the world but the meaning and social etiquette can vary greatly depending on the context and cultural background. It’s very casual ...

Smash Negativity Team


Body Language: Hand in Pocket 5 Common Interpretations

Body language is a type of nonverbal communication that includes the vast number of ways we communicate with our bodies and facial expressions. It often speaks louder than our words. Keeping your hands in your pockets is one of those body language gestures that can have multiple, seemingly contradictory meanings. In cases such as the ...

Smash Negativity Team


Vlineperol: History, Benefits and Side Effects

Vlineperol is a natural chemical obtained from a tropical plant that has long been used for medical purposes. Vlineperol has increased in popularity in recent years as a supplement purported to improve energy, cognitive function, and general wellness. This article reveals the origins, alleged benefits, recommended use, and controversies surrounding this new natural substance. Background ...