Smash Negativity Team

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8 Body Language Signs A Guy Is Lusting After You

Trying to understand the true feelings or intentions of someone about you is one of the most difficult things to do. especially when it concerns matters of the heart. Men aren’t that easy to understand or predict, particularly during the initial several months of a romantic relationship. However, there are some distinct differences between the ...

Smash Negativity Team


The Importance and How to Create a Title for Friendship Story 

Friendship stories are ageless and ubiquitous. They have existed throughout history and in all cultures. Stories about friendships are usually uplifting and touching, whether they tell of a friendship that endures a lifetime or two friends who support one another through difficult times. Stories of friendship frequently highlight the value of having a support system ...


8 Common Signs of a Weak Man

Though true strength is found in one’s character and demeanor, we frequently mistake physical prowess for strength. A weak man is not inherently physically frail; rather, he is weak because he lacks the courage to take on life’s obstacles head-on and make morally sound decisions. A lot of weak men search for another person on ...