I am an IT specialist with a solid experience in tech, gaming and business. For over 2 years, I've helped manage everything around business and lifestyle at smashnegativity.com.
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Greatness in life doesn’t just happen by a sudden flight. It requires extreme focus, discipline, and determination daily to birth significant results. Habits and behavior are strong elements of an active lifestyle. Your entire day-to-day activities and life generally consist of little actions that compounded to produce the results you are seeing today. To get ...
Your best response to negativity depends on your maturity and level of self-development. It can be so frustrating when surrounded by negative people. Some derive pleasure in pulling others down, whereas some talk people into negativity. For instance, your good marriage might trigger negativity from a person in a bad marriage, or your colleague in ...
We all have negative thoughts and attitudes, but when such negative thoughts keep recurring, they lead to worries and anxiety. However, negativity is a choice, although it may be inevitable to have negative thoughts, which can become part of you when you believe in them. Nevertheless, it would help if you did not permit them ...
You might want to ask; can negativity make you sick? Being negative can make you sick though it might not be physical sickness, it could be emotional sickness or otherwise. According to vocabulary.com, “Negativity is a tendency to be downbeat, disagreeable, and skeptical. It’s a pessimistic attitude that always expects the worst.” That is the ...