Have you interacted with some people who appear not to have feelings for others? These are sociopaths and coping with them can be a hard nut to crack. It requires patience and wisdom. A sociopath is a person who has an antisocial personality disorder. A sociopath ignores rules, neglects social norms, and has no regard for people.
He is also manipulative and aggressive, and he shows little or no response when he offends others. How to deal with a sociopath is by avoiding confrontation, setting boundaries and limiting interaction. Sociopaths may spring forth from brain chemistry, inherited genes, parenting styles and upbringing. It might also be caused by environmental factors. For instance, a girl who experiences child abuse and manipulation at a very tender age may grow up to model this character.
You must deal with a sociopath wisely to avoid being frustrated or emotionally devastated. Let them know that you are too wise and not too gullible to fall prey to their strategies. Be careful with them.
Traits of A Sociopath
1. Lack of Repentance
Sociopaths do not feel remorseful after offending someone. They can never take responsibility for what they do. This is a trait of a sociopath.
2. Can Never Apologize
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A sociopath never believes he can be wrong in life. They feel normal even after inflicting pain on you. Due to their lack of being remorseful, they can never ask for forgiveness.
3. Sexually Abnormal
They lack integrity. They can have more than one sexual partner. Hence, they engage in illicit sex as often as they like.
4. Very Manipulative
This is the most prominent trait of a sociopath. They can use manipulative tactics to mentally attack you. With these tactics, they can get what they want at any time.
5. Gaslights People
They know how to twist the truth to confuse you and use it to gaslight you. This can make you doubt the truth, your thoughts and your feelings. It can also make you feel crazy.
6. Selfish
Sociopaths only know about themselves. Their needs and wants come before those of any other person, including their family members. This insensitivity can frustrate people around them.
7. Explosive Behaviors
Sociopaths are often callous, unpredictable, aggressive, and have poor control over their desires. They will likely do the opposite of what you think they want to do at all times.
 6. Lack of Empathy
Due to their selfish nature, they do not have feelings for others. They can never assume to be in other people’s positions. They lack understanding and sympathy.
Causes Of Sociopaths
It has been found that a lot of things contribute to the development of sociopaths. According to research, the population of sociopaths according to research is approximately 4% of the population and is considered to be born with relatively normal brain development.
Some of those factors are:
- Biological Factor
A sociopathic nature can spring forth due to early brain damage. A sociopathic brain develops at a slower rate than others. It may spring forth due to inadequate brain chemicals.
- Environmental Factors
A child who receives poor discipline at a tender age and is not taught how to respect the feelings of others can grow to be a sociopath. The same applies to a child who has been mistreated or abused; he or she might grow to become selfish or a sex maniac.
- Genetics
A child who Is born into a family where there is a member with antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) stands a chance to become a sociopath.
- Trauma
An antisocial personality might emerge in someone who has gone through so many traumatic experiences. It can be an accident, the sudden death of a loved one and so on. This usually occurs when the trauma is not addressed.
- Childhood Mental Illness
A sociopath is a mentally ill individual. Some mental illnesses can contribute to ASPD: oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), ADHD (attention deficit hypersensitive disorder) or conduct disorder. These are contributing factors.
How to Deal with A Sociopath
1. Detach Yourself
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Move away from the person and stop talking to him or her. If the sociopath is your friend or a proposed life partner, kindly run for your life. This is one of the steps on how to deal with a sociopath.
2. Avoid Confrontation
Don’t think of going to confront the individual; this might worsen the situation. Try to do everything calmly and wisely. This is one of the steps on how to deal with a sociopath.
3. Be Calm
Maintain a calm atmosphere when dealing with a sociopath. He or she might provoke you but do not give in to saying bad words or reacting negatively because it can be used as a manipulative tool. This is one of the ways to deal with a sociopath.
4. Be Confidential with A Sociopath
To avoid being exploited or manipulated by a sociopath, keep secrets. Be confidential and keep your mouth shut. I know you might feel vulnerable and want to express your feelings to them. Don’t reveal your personal information or even that of others to them.
5. Be Skeptical when Making Decisions
When it comes to sociopaths, they are never the right people to listen to. They are called button pressers. They are very skilled at lying and can lure you into making urgent decisions that will destroy you. Be careful with them and take your time to think before you make decisions. This is one of the steps on how to deal with a sociopath.
6. Don’t Accuse Them
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Accusing a sociopath of any wrongdoing is like looking for trouble. He or she doesn’t have feelings for others and does not understand what is wrong or right. If, by chance, they feel you’ve wronged them, don’t try to retaliate. Treat them as you would any other person by showing empathy and apologizing.
7. Do Not Try to Change Them
They might find it difficult to listen to you when you try to tell them what to do. Even when you suggest some treatment to help them heal, they might become aggressive. Do not even think of changing a sociopath because you might get stuck. However, if you love them so much, you can speak to a therapist about them while you stay far away from them. Never stay in an unhealthy relationship while waiting for it to change. This is one of the most effective strategies for how to deal with a sociopath.
8. Be Watchful
Listening to your instincts can always help you detect if you are being manipulated. It can also help you to always be on guard and watchful. Whenever you feel something unusual around a sociopath, one of the things to do is run and go to a safer place. Do not think twice because you might get hurt.
9. Use Self-Assured Statement
If you have a sociopathic boss, be careful about how you talk with them. Do not use abusive statements when they say rude things. Politely tell your boss what you have accomplished and where you need guidance. This is how to deal with a sociopathic boss.
10. Set Boundaries
Do not be emotional with them. Use wisdom to communicate your standards or boundaries in terms of money, time, and prime possessions. This is one of the steps on how to deal with a sociopath.
11. Limit the Time You Stay Around Them
For a family member who is a sociopath, it might not be easy to cut ties with them. In this situation, it is advisable to spend limited time with them. Spending a lot of time with them can drain you mentally and emotionally. You can limit your time with them by calling them on the phone instead of meeting them physically or seeing them once in a blue moon. This is one step on how to deal with a sociopath.
12. Speak with A Therapist
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Do not wait until you lose your mind before you meet a therapist. This is one of the most effective steps on how to deal with a sociopath. Speak to a professional or experienced therapist who can understand your feelings and also knows how sociopaths operate. They can help you maintain a healthy lifestyle or map out plans on how to be safe.
13. Do Not Gossip
You may be in trouble when you go about talking about a sociopathic friend or boss behind their back. They might use it to gaslight or manipulate you if they find out. Keep your mouth shut.
14. Maintain Independence
Depending on or relying on them can give them a huge edge over you. It gives them the power to manipulate you because you are indebted to them. Do not ask them for a favor or accept gifts. These are possible baits that can be used to guilt-trap you. Be wise.
15. Do Not Take Anything They Do Personal
A sociopath is mentally sick and needs help. For someone who is mentally ill, you have to be careful and be open to condoning some things to some extent. Taking things personally might drain you mentally and emotionally. It might cost you self-esteem and confidence. This is the best way to win this situation and learn how to deal with a sociopath.
16. Document Everything
You do indeed need to be calm but that does not mean you should fold your arms and do nothing. Write down and, if possible, make a recording using your phone or hidden camera of every interaction, discussion, or the terrible behavior of a sociopath towards you. It might be of help one day or as a protection.
17. Report to An Authority
There is a limit to what you can condone. Do not wait until they kill you or make you mad before you act. Report it to your Human resources manager if it is in your workplace, the head of the family, or, any authority next to you. This is one of the most effective ways to deal with a sociopath.
Final Words
Do not be around a sociopath simply because you love them. Your life is very important and I believe you do not want to take the risk of always being in danger. Remember, they are mentally sick and are not in their right frame of mind, so weigh the long-term risks with the love you claim to have and see if it is worth the risk. Documenting every interaction, talking to a therapist, and staying away from a sociopathic fiancé or fiancee can be the best steps on how to deal with a sociopath. Be careful.