
Smash Negativity Team

11 Telltale Signs That A Man Has Been Sexually Active

Dating Tips For Women

It is important to know and check for signs that a man has been sexually active if you’re about to start a new relationship or if you’re already in the world of relationships and sexual intimacy. Knowing if the man you’re in a relationship with or about to start a relationship with is sexually active can help you know a lot about them and their Sexual history.

In trying to know if your man is sexually active or not, it is best if you both engage in open and honest communication about each other’s past experiences and ask important questions.

Although looking for physical signs he just slept with someone else can be quite challenging, some indicators can point out if a man has been sexually active or not. Let’s look at them.

11 Signs That A Man Has Been Sexually Active

1. He is Comfortable Discussing Sex

One of the signs that a man has been sexually active is that he is comfortable discussing about sex. He openly and confidently talks about sexual matters and he speaks with first-hand knowledge and personal experiences. A man who has not been sexually active may not have the confidence and experience to talk about sex and he may feel awkward or shy when engaging in sexual conversations.

2. He Has Good Knowledge About Sex and Sexual Positions

If a man has good knowledge about sex and sexual positions, then that’s one of the many signs that he has been sexually active. If he speaks about sexual positions he likes and the ones he doesn’t, things that excite him or turn him on in bed, sexual activities, toys, and plays to do, then you do not need a prophet to tell you that he is sexually active. Someone who is not sexually active may know little or have no information about all these.

3. He Has Good Knowledge of Contraceptives

Contraceptives are used for safe sex practices to prevent sexually related illnesses and pregnancy. If your man has good knowledge of contraceptives, the different types of contraceptives, and how they are being used, then that’s a sign that a man has been sexually active. Someone who is not sexually active would not have the experience to talk about contraceptives. However, this is not always the case because it is necessary for everyone to be educated about contraceptives and safe sex practices.

4. Possession of Contraceptives

One of the signs that a man has been sexually active is that he is in possession of contraceptives. When your partner has contraceptives in his custody, such as condoms, it may suggest that they are prepared for or have already engaged in sexual activity. It could be in his pockets, wallets, desks, car, and even bag.

Being in possession of contraceptives shows that he knows the importance of Contraceptives in relation to sexual health, as contraceptives can prevent unwanted pregnancies and reduce the risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). If your man is always moving around with contraceptives, it shows that he is well prepared for unexpected spontaneous sexual activity, and this is a notable time that he has been sexually active.

5. He Values His Sexual Health

One of the signs that a man has been sexually active is that he values and prioritizes his sexual health. If he exhibits a strong level of commitment to understanding safe sex practices, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), the importance of regular testing, and other sexual health topics, it can reveal a lot about his personal sexual life.

It is also important to know that having good knowledge about sexual health does not necessarily mean someone is sexually active. There are some people who are committed to learning more about sexual health for different reasons. It could be that they have a personal interest in learning about it, or they are learning because of their current or future relationships or even to support and also educate friends or family members.

6. Physical Signs

Although there are no physical signs that a man has been sexually active if he engages in sexual activity within a short time of seeing you there are some physical marks you can look out for in his body that would reveal if he has been sexually active or not.

Some of the physical marks you’ll notice are love bites, which are temporary bruises caused by suction on the skin, and they can be seen on the neck, hands, chest, and other areas of the body. Visible scratches or bite marks on the bodies can also be seen on the body resulting from intense kissing and rough sex. Rashes or skin irritation can also be seen as a result of making use of latex condoms, lubricants, or other products used during sexual activity. These rashes or skin irritations are often seen around the penis and other areas of the body. Although these physical marks on the body are good evidence that a man has been sexually active but not conclusive.

7. Increased Interest in Sexual Contents

Another of the signs that a man has been sexually active is that he suddenly has an increased desire to view pornographic pictures, videos, sexually themed songs, and books. It could be that he is watching, listening, and reading these sexually related contents to know more about sex and how he can be more good in bed. So if you notice your man has suddenly developed an increased interest in viewing and listening to sexually related things then that’s a good sign he is sleeping with another woman out there or he has been masturbating.

8. Increase Confidence Around Women

If your man approaches and relates with women confidently to the extent of flirting with them then that’s a good sign that he has been sexually active. A man who is not sexually active may try to be gentle and casual with ladies, even someone who he is emotionally attracted to but a sexually active man can start flirting with a stranger or someone he barely knows. If you see any of these it is a good indication that that man has been sexually active.

9. His Sexual Experiences and Explorations

A man who has been sexually active would have strong sexual fantasies he would want to explore with you. Due to his previous sexual experiences, he knows sexual positions and foreplays that are pleasurable to him. A man who has not been sexually active may not know and may not be so sure of sexual positions that would excite him. If he has strong sexual fantasies then that’s one of the signs a man has been sexually active.

10. He Knows Sexual Languages and Words

One of the signs that a man has been sexually active is that he has a good knowledge of sexual languages and words. These words are not just words anyone can know but words that are peculiar to sexual activity in bed. So, if your man makes use of sexual words and terms like an expert then that’s a sign that a man has been sexually active.

11. His Sexual History

One of the ways to know if a man has been sexually active or not is to ask him about his past sexual escapades. Ask him questions like when was the last time he had sex, how many sexual partners he had, his favorite sexual position, and how long he lasted in bed? These questions could come up when he is probably in a good mood or when he’s in a vulnerable state with you. His answers to the questions you’ll ask him will clear every confusion and doubt you may have about his sexual life.


In conclusion, in this article, we’ve looked at 11 signs that a man has been sexually active. A man who has been sexually active would show emotional signs and there would also be some visible physical signs like love bites, scratches, and skin irritation.

They would also exhibit behavioral signs as they would be more confident, open, and comfortable with sexual intimacy, sexual activity, languages, and terms. It is important you know that sexual activity is not just limited to sexual intercourse which involves penetrative sex but it cuts across masturbation, oral sex, anal sex, etc.

All the physical, emotional, and behavioral signs listed above don’t always indicate that a man has been sexually active. They could also indicate other things that are not related to sexual activeness.

The best way to know if a man has been sexually active is to have an honest conversation with him, ask him questions, and hear his response. If you’re depending on any of these signs alone you may end up making wrong assumptions which may have a negative impact on your relationship. Remember that communication and openness are important keys to having a successful relationship.



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