
Smash Negativity Team

How To Know If Your Man Is Cheating On You: 15 Signs To Look Out For

Dating Tips For Women, infidelity

Have you ever wondered if your partner might be cheating on you? Have you ever found yourself wondering if your partner is being faithful? It’s a tough question, and the uncertainty of the answer can weigh heavily on anyone.

However, statistics show that in most situations, women replied in the affirmative.

Relationships are built on trust, and trust is crucial in any relationship, but sometimes doubts arise and  sometimes things can feel off. It can be hard to know for sure, but there are signs to watch out for.

Still, discovering if your partner is cheating can be a challenging and emotionally taxing experience, but while every relationship is unique, there are several common signs that a man is sleeping with another woman.

This article is here to help you navigate those feelings and understand the signs that your man is sleeping with a man or a woman. By learning to recognize these signs and approaching the situation with clarity and self-awareness, you can make informed decisions about your relationship’s future.

The points highlighted below are different ways on how to know if your man is cheating on you.

How to know if your man is cheating on you: 15 signs to look out for in your relationship

Ron Lach, pexels

1. There’s a change in his communication patterns

If at the beginning of the relationship there was healthy communication between the both of you, then subsequently you noticed that your man starts responding less to calls or texts, especially during times he used to be available, or he bottled up at the slightest mention of a subject, that is one of the signs of a cheating partner.

2. Secretive Behavior and communication

When you notice your man suddenly starts becoming protective of his phone, always keeping it close and starts getting defensive if you ask to see it, especially if he wasn’t that way from the onset. That’s how to know if your man is cheating on you. You might also notice that he uses messaging apps you’re not familiar with, hides notifications from certain contacts if you are in the room, or goes outside to have a conversation with a certain contact; that’s another sign he’s cheating on you.

Beatrice explained that “Before, he would always text me back quickly, but now he takes hours to reply, and when I ask who he’s texting, he acts strange.”

3. He comes up with flimsy excuses to explain his absences

Your man usually texts you or calls to let you know his whereabouts or if he’ll be running late but lately, he stays out late more often and when you call or text, he doesn’t pick up or even reply to your messages. When questioned about his whereabouts or activities, he becomes defensive or even aggressive while making excuses for why he can’t be reached.

4. There’s a sudden change in his routine

If your man begins staying out late without a clear explanation or frequently makes excuses for not being available, it could be a cause for concern.

He may have new reasons for needing to work late or spend time with friends without inviting you along or letting you know about it.

For example, Prisca, who noticed this behavior in her boyfriend after dating for 4 years, said, “He used to come home straight after work, but now he’s always finding reasons to stay out late with his ‘friends’.”

5. Less intimate moments

Your man couldn’t stay a day without fawning over you, he literally calls, checks on you, gives goodbye or midnight kisses, and holds hands at random moments but lately he may seem less interested in being affectionate or intimate with you, he declines physical intimacy or emotional closeness. This is a signal that something has changed in the relationship and he might be cheating on you.

6. He starts to avoid serious conversations

If you notice that your man starts to avoid discussions concerning your future together or becomes invasive when you bring up relationship issues, then that’s a sign he’s having cold feet and maybe has already begun discussing those subjects with someone else.

Joy shares something relatable in her relationship with Charlie, “We used to cuddle and talk every night, but lately, he’s been distant and changes the subject when I try to talk about our relationship.”

7. He improved his appearance

How to tell if your man is cheating on you is if you notice that he suddenly starts dressing better, going to the gym more, buying expensive perfumes and shoes or generally starts paying more attention to his looks, especially when he’s going to someplace you are not aware of.

8. He develops weird mood swings

If your man becomes irritable or defensive when you question the changes you’ve observed in his appearance or behavior, that’s a sign he’s cheating. Normally, he would have smiled in a way that melts your heart and said he’s trying to look good for you and keep up with your beauty. Rather, he gets defensive; watch out!

Kate had a similar experience she’s shared with us: “He’s been hitting the gym a lot and buying new clothes, but when I ask about it, he gets mad and says I’m being paranoid.”

9. He changes his social circle

Another scenario on how to know if your man is cheating on you is if he starts hanging out with new friends or colleagues more frequently, especially those you don’t know or haven’t met.

10. His stories and excuses are contradictory

If your man constantly comes up with explanations for his whereabouts or activities and looks closely at it, the stories don’t add up or may change when confronted again, or the said person he went out with denies being in that place at that time, it could be a red flag.

11. Unexplained expenses

Once you begin noticing unfamiliar charges on his card statements or withdrawals of money without a clear reason, he might be spending on another person he’s keeping from you.

12. He makes secretive plans

A man who might make plans without informing you or suddenly have reasons to travel alone more frequently is hiding something.

Julie recounted her experience when asked, “I found a receipt for a fancy restaurant I’ve never heard of, and he said it was for a work meeting, but I know his coworkers and none of them mentioned it.”

13. You find items that don’t belong to either of you

Finding unfamiliar items such as makeup,  receipts from a dinner he never had mentioned nor took you to, clothing, or accessories that don’t belong to you or your partner is a sign that he’s cheating on you.

14. Physical signs

You start seeing marks or smells on his clothing that were never there going by his usual activities. His smell changes; you find lipstick stains on his clothing, etc. That’s one of the most common ways to tell your man is cheating on you.

15. Your instincts tell you he’s cheating

Often, your intuition can be a powerful indicator that something in the relationship isn’t right.

If you feel so after noticing a consistent pattern of behavior that seems suspicious, it’s worth exploring further. So trust your feelings even if you can’t pinpoint specific evidence till you can find one.

How You Can Deal with the Situation

Many ladies in relationships have found out one way or another that their partner is cheating. It is painful and hurtful but it is not the end of the world.

In order to stay sane during this period, here are some approaches you can take.

  • Stay Calm and Gather Evidence: Before confronting your partner, gather your thoughts and any evidence that supports your suspicions so that you won’t be thrown off guard.
  • Seek Support From Friends Or A Professional: Talking to a trusted friend or counselor would be beneficial in order to gain insight on what to do and have some emotional support.
  • Communication is Vital: Your partner may not know you have these concerns and he might even be innocent but he’s experiencing withdrawal syndrome. So when you’re ready, discuss your concerns calmly and openly with your partner, allowing him to explain his own side of the story.
  • Evaluate Your Relationship: After all is said and done, reflect on your own feelings and what you want for your future, tell yourself the truth, refuse to live in denial if he’s cheating on you then find the way forward.


In summary, recognizing signs of potential cheating in a relationship can be distressing, especially when you’ve seen your future together as beautiful; however, it requires careful consideration and emotional strength. It is also essential to trust your instincts and follow the situation with clarity and honesty with yourself and your man.

You can tell if he’s cheating by observing changes in communication, behavior, emotional intimacy, and other factors. This way, you can better understand what might be happening in your relationship. can better assess whether your partner may be cheating

Please always bear in mind that every relationship is unique, and it’s important to prioritize your emotional well-being throughout this process. In doing so, you need to trust your instincts, communicate openly, and seek support from trusted friends as you go through this challenging situation.



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