
Smash Negativity Team

How Does A Guy Know That A Girl Is Not A Virgin? Ways To Recognize A Non-Virgin


Have you ever dwelled on the idea that your lover may have had other sexual partners before you? You may have dismissed the thought because what you have with your partner is precious and you believe that their past is their business.

But if it bothers you to think that your partner may have had sex with another person before you, or that you do not wish that they have had sex with anyone but you, then you  need to rethink your ideas about virginity and sex before it becomes a point of contention between the two of you.

Sex is a deeply personal aspect of our lives. A healthy sexual life between two monogamous partners is an indicator of their bond and commitment to each other. Whether most of us admit it or not, we place a high premium on being  ‘exclusive’ with our partners. Also, as a husband, you might be interested in finding out how can a husband know that his wife is a virgin?

The Emphasis on Virginity

A woman’s virginity is measured by whether she bleeds during the first time of sexual intercourse. This happens when her hymen (a thin membrane of skin inside the vagina) ruptures during penetrative intercourse.

Many cultures around the world place a lot of importance on virginity—a virgin man or woman who has never had sex. Many cultures believe that a person should be a virgin until they get married and that their first (and only) sexual partner should be their spouse.

There are many problems with this concept:

  • Firstly, the hymen may rupture even due to intense sports, a genetic condition, or masturbation.
  • Secondly, ‘sex’ can also constitute fondling and oral sex without actual penetration. So technically, a person who has had oral sex but not peno-vaginal sex is not a virgin. Conservative cultures insist on women undergoing virginity tests to ascertain if the woman that they wish their son to marry is an honorable woman. The virginity test entails checking for an intact hymen.

Sexually active women who may wish to get married in this traditional fashion may then undergo a discreet hymen reconstruction surgery so as to avoid the complications arising from her husband finding out about her non-virgin status.

How Does A Guy Know That A Girl Is Not A Virgin? Ways To Recognize A Non-Virgin

August de Richelieu, pexels

As a guy, do you feel that your partner’s virginity is a barometer of their ‘purity’ and honor? Or is your relationship with her so rock-solid that her past does not bother you? It is time to examine your feelings about this and to discuss your concerns with your partner.

Before you start applying these to your girlfriend, you should gain a deeper understanding of what virginity is and how a girl gets disvirgined. For one, it is not all about the physical condition.

Surely, most virgins have an unbroken hymen (a tissue that partially closes their vaginal entrance). However, the hymen can be broken without sex. For instance, a girl may be playing or riding her bike and it gets torn accidentally.

She still remains a virgin, though. Virginity is not about hymen but rather about the absence of sexual experience. Virginity is about moral purity and integrity. It is the quality of the soul rather than of the body.

Here are some signs that she’s not a virgin:

1. Her Reactions

Her reaction to your questions, What does she say when you ask her if she is a virgin? In most cases, (if the girl is not a feminist), she would react calmly or shyly. The one who has lost it, may get irritated by your inquiries or angry with you. She has it no more and those questions make her nervous. Unless she is a very confident girl who knows who she is with the hymen or without it.

2. She gets engaged in sexual talk easily

A virgin girl has a bit of this natural modesty. She does not have firsthand experience in the process, so ‘Sex’ talk makes her uncomfortable. She would not be easily engaged in it.

3. You can tell through her breasts

Breast of a virgin girl is always upright and hard. After being touched by a man, the breasts usually become slack and larger than the previous size. The more often they are touched and have sexual intercourse, then the breasts will be more enlarged and down.

Regardless of assessing her virginity, you can also tell if a woman has given birth or not by looking at her breasts. If her breasts are straight or face up, she has never given birth. But if her breasts face down, then she has given birth.

4. Lack of Pain or Discomfort During Intercourse

One of the most common signs that a woman is not a virgin is the absence of pain or discomfort during intercourse. For many women, their first sexual experience can be physically uncomfortable or even painful due to the breaking of the hymen. If a woman shows no signs of discomfort during sex, it may indicate that she has had previous sexual encounters.

5. Comfort with Nudity

Women who are not virgins may be more comfortable with nudity and intimacy than those who have not had sexual experiences. If a woman is at ease being naked around her partner or discussing sexual topics openly, it is one of the ways a guy can tell if a girl is not a virgin.

6. Use of Birth Control

If a woman is knowledgeable about and consistently uses birth control methods, it may suggest that she has had previous sexual encounters and is taking precautions to prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections.

7. Knowledge of Sexual Health

Women who are not virgins are more likely to be informed about sexual health practices and the importance of regular STI testing. If a woman demonstrates knowledge about safe sex practices and STI prevention, it may suggest that she has had previous sexual experiences.

8. Presence of STIs

If a woman has contracted a sexually transmitted infection, it is a clear indication that she has engaged in sexual activity. The presence of STIs can be a sign that a woman is not a virgin and has had unprotected sex with multiple partners.

9. Lack of Curiosity About Sex

Women who are not virgins may show less curiosity or interest in exploring new sexual experiences. If a woman seems content with her current sexual routine and shows little interest in trying new things, it may suggest that she has had previous sexual encounters.

10. Comfortable with Physical Intimacy

Women who are not virgins may be more comfortable with physical intimacy, such as kissing, cuddling, and touching. If a woman shows a high level of comfort and ease with physical affection, it may indicate that she has had previous sexual encounters.

11. Lack of Religious or Cultural Restrictions

Some women may choose to wait until marriage to have sex due to religious or cultural beliefs. If a woman does not adhere to these restrictions and engages in sexual activity outside of marriage, it may suggest that she is not a virgin.

The Role of Body Language

Body language can be a powerful indicator of a person’s thoughts, feelings, and intentions. When it comes to determining whether a girl is a virgin, there are certain cues you can look for in her body language that may provide some insight.

One of the most important things to pay attention to is her behavior. A girl who is nervous or uncomfortable may exhibit certain behaviors that indicate she is not confident in her sexual experience. This could include fidgeting, avoiding eye contact, or crossing her arms.

Another key aspect of body language to look for is her walk. A girl who is a virgin may walk with a certain level of hesitation or shyness, while someone who is more experienced may walk with more confidence and swagger.

Eye contact can also be a telling sign. A girl who is avoiding eye contact or looking down may be trying to hide something, while someone who is confident and comfortable may maintain steady eye contact.

Pay attention to her arms as well. A girl who is nervous or uncomfortable may cross her arms as a way to protect herself, while someone who is more relaxed may keep their arms at their sides.

Finally, breathing can also be an indicator of a girl’s sexual experience. Someone who is nervous or anxious may have shallow, rapid breathing, while someone who is more comfortable may have deeper, slower breaths.

How can a guy ask his partner about her sexual history without making her uncomfortable?

Approach this topic with sensitivity and respect, and make it clear that you are asking out of curiosity and a desire to understand her better. Listen actively to her responses and avoid judgments or assumptions.  You can approach this question more strategically by reading how to ask someone if they are a virgin.


In conclusion, there are several signs that may indicate a woman is not a virgin. From physical indicators like lack of pain during intercourse to behavioral cues such as comfort with nudity and sexual conversations, these signs can provide insight into a woman’s sexual history.

Determining whether or not a girl is a virgin based on body language alone can be a difficult and unreliable task. While there are some physical signs that may suggest virginity, such as an intact hymen or a lack of sexual experience, these indicators are not foolproof and can be misleading.

It’s important to remember that a person’s sexual history is their own private matter and should not be judged or assumed based on external factors. Instead of focusing on virginity, it’s essential to prioritize mutual respect, open communication, and consent in all sexual encounters.

It is important to approach this topic with sensitivity and respect, as a person’s sexual past should not define their worth or value in a relationship. Communication and honesty are key to navigating discussions about intimacy and sexual history.



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