
Smash Negativity Team

Signs of Witchcraft Abuse and How to Break Free from It


Witchcraft abuse, an aspect that in the present day world may sound like a thing of the past, remains very rampant in most societies. As this type of abuse revolves around cultural and religious practices, which are kept hidden most of the time, it presents several difficulties both for the victims and those assisting the abused individuals. Recognizing the signs of witchcraft abuse is helpful in early identification and treatment, thus giving a second chance to people entangled in its flow.

Witchcraft abuse can also be referred to as spiritual abuse when it involves the use of magical powers or spirits in order to oppress, dominate or harm others. It is a non-violent form of abuse that rarely raises the suspicion of those around the victim, and yet it can destroy that person’s mental, emotional, and spiritual state.

In this article, we will discuss the signs of witchcraft abuse and how one can identify and get free from it.

What Are The Signs Of Witchcraft Abuse?

The perception of witches and witchcraft is prevalent worldwide, and there is increasing concern over the impacts of these beliefs in society. Again, women commonly get accused of witchcraft, especially elderly women, children, and disabled people.

All these are accepted categories of abuse, which may include verbal abuse, lack of care, and physical and sexual abuse. While there is a body of knowledge on witchcraft today, few studies have focused on the effects of witchcraft accusations on the victims. Children who are exposed to allegations of witchcraft develop extended psychological abnormalities similar to child physical abuse or war trauma.

What Is Witchcraft Abuse?

Witchcraft abuse is the kind of abuse that is inflicted on a person or group due to witchcraft or supernatural beliefs with the intent of harming or manipulating them. This can manifest in several forms, which are:

 1. Physical Abuse

Physical torture, which sees the accused individuals subjected to beatings, burnings, or any other physical abuse in the process of ‘casting out’ supposed evil spirits or punishing them for witchcraft.

 2. Psychological Abuse

The use of threats, accusations and behavioral control strategies, especially when frightening people, terrorizing them and aiming at creating distress, to force confessions and obey certain rituals.

 3. Social Isolation

Expelling the accused witch together with her children from the community or denying her family fellowship in the church and other social related activities as a result of accusations resulting in a plethora of undesirable effects on the emotional and social wellbeing of the victims.

 4. Neglect

Denying food, medicine or other basic necessities to a person who is suspected of being involved in witchcraft, it is believed that the person is a menace or a victim of witchcraft.

 5. Ritualistic Abuse

Subjecting individuals who are accused of witchcraft to dangerous or derogatory rites which aim at ‘purging’, ‘expelling’ or ‘punishing’ them for practicing witchcraft.

 6. Economic Exploitation

Cases such as taking of property, money, or resources of individuals tagged as witches to reclaim lost items or to cleanse their communities, respectively.

Witchcraft abuse may be most common in cultures where witchcraft belief is widespread and where accusations are credible. It is normally found in cultural, religious, or social beliefs that propagate ignorance and fear. Combating witchcraft abuse is not a simple issue that can be solved quickly, which is why there should be educational, legal, and even social solutions.

What Are The Signs Of Witchcraft Abuse?

Signs of witchcraft abuse can take different forms. Let’s take a look at these signs:

 1. Unexplained Fear or Anxiety

Long-standing or chronic experience of fear or dread without any apparent reason. This fear could also be severe and could be precipitated by certain events or things.

 2. Strange Dreams or Visions

Vivid, disturbing or autonomically triggered perceptual experiences that repeatedly occur, frequently during nighttime dreams. Such dreams may contain images, symbols or themes that cause you uneasiness or plain fear with regards to the content of the dream.

 3. Unusual Physical Symptoms

Abnormal sensations like intolerable pain, numbness, tingling, or burning sensation with an unknown etiology. Most of these symptoms are severe, may alter the patient’s lifestyle and functioning and may not be eased by medication.

 4. Feeling of Being Watched or Followed

The constant experience of paranoia, thinking someone is watching, following, or stalking one. This feeling may be accompanied by noises, movement, or shadows.

 5. Unexplained Changes in Behavior or Mood

Behavioral changes include abrupt and unpredictable swings in mood where he/she becomes more aggressive, angry, or depressed. These changes may be intense as well as erratic.

 6. Feeling of Being Trapped or Controlled

An overall emotion of being confined by a force outside of oneself or being coerced in a particular direction. It may be accompanied by despair or hopelessness.

 7. Unusual Spiritual or Magical Experiences

Unusual experiences which are not common in society include unexplained psychic abilities, channeling, or astral projection. They may be complex and raise great anxiety and stress.

 8. Feeling Isolated or Cut Off

Loneliness, or being lonely, is the feeling of being stranded, left alone, or feeling socially alienated from those around you. This feeling may occur along with such an emotion as loneliness or despair.

 9. Unexplained Financial or Material Losses

Cases of accidents, misplacing something and later realizing it’s missing, or even outright theft. These losses may be acutely occurring unanticipated and, scientifically, unfathomable.

 10. Feeling of Being Drained or Depleted

Low energy levels, whereby one often feels tired, fatigued or weary most of the time. A person experiencing this may feel physical manifestations of the condition like tiredness, emaciation, or loss of sleep.

Other Signs Of Witchcraft Abuse

There are always symptoms and common signs that depict witchcraft abuse and they can manifest in physical, psychological and social symptoms. Here are some common indicators:

 1. Physical Signs

  •  Suspicion of abuse or wounds that cannot be easily explained, for example, cuts, injuries, burns, bruises, or scars.
  •  signs that indicate that someone is restrained or is confined.
  •  Irritability and mood shifts, loss of appetite and weight loss, difficulties in sleeping.

 2. Psychological Signs

  • Phobia, which is severe anxiety, especially with regard to such things as witchcraft.
  • Claims of being cursed, possessed, or under attack by witchcraft.
  • Mental illness such as depression,  PTSD, or any form of abuse or seclusion disorder.
  •  Odd or para-social manners or activities.

 3. Behavioral Signs

  •  Mood swings, aggressive behavior and manners, anxiety.
  •  staying away from some people, locations, or events due to fear.
  •  Experiencing or having to perform weird or unpleasant ceremonies.

 4. Social Signs

  •  Avoidance of contacts with family members and friends or in some cases, avoiding getting out in society.
  •   Any account or hearsay that there is witchcraft accusation against one.
  •   Exclusion from social, religious or community occasions or any social or community gathering.

 5. Environmental Signs

  •  Possession of items connected with witchcraft, including altars, charms, or talismans.
  •  Housing environments that are substandard or intentionally uninhabitable.

 6. Verbal and Emotional Signs

  •  Being labeled with disgraceful names concerned with witchcraft for example: witch or sorcerer.
  •  Testimonies of threats, force, or pressure with a witchcraft premise.
  •  Utterances of guilt, feeling of shame or confusion as to how they are treated.

Identifying The Source Of Witchcraft Abuse

Identifying the source of witchcraft abuse can be challenging, but here are some steps to help you:

  1. Reflect on your experiences: Try to recall when the abuse began and if there were any events or interactions that may have initiated it.
  2. Look for patterns: It is also appropriate to look for any patterns of using specific items, signs, or actions that belong to the process of abuse.
  3. Check for inconsistencies: Avoid people who change their stance frequently or people who know how to manipulate your emotions to get their way.
  4. Research and educate yourself: It is therefore advisable to gain knowledge on various forms of witchcraft, magic and other spiritual practices in order to establish the root cause of the abuse.
  5. Seek support: Speak to friends and family members, or a therapist who has knowledge about witchcraft and spiritual abuse.
  6. Trust your instincts: There is always a feeling about people or circumstances; there is a good feeling about people and there is bad feeling about people.
  7. Investigate the perpetrator’s background: That is why one has to examine their past, what people say about them, and whether they have ever been accused of abusing clients before.
  8. Seek help from a spiritual practitioner: It could be useful to speak to a trustworthy spiritual worker or witch who would assist in locating and comprehending how the abuse is taking place.

To Break Free From Witchcraft Abuse

  1. Seek support from trusted friends, family, or a therapist.
  2. Take care of yourself and love yourself.
  3. Set clear boundaries and assert your independence.
  4. Seek professional help, such as a spiritual detox or cleansing.
  5. Focus on your personal growth and development.


The effect of witchcraft abuse on its victims can be quite serious and challenging. Identifying the signs of witchcraft abuse and reaching out for assistance is essential for breaking away from it. Keep in mind that you have others with you and there are resources to help. Reclaim ownership of your life and begin your path to healing and recovery now!



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