
Smash Negativity Team

10 Signs You Were Secretly Adopted

The normal obstacles are present, but being adopted is a unique blessing. And if you suspect you’ve been adopted, look for these telltale symptoms. The good news is that you have a loving family and wonderful parents who chose you.

This article discusses the 10 signs to show you were secretly adopted and also signs to show you were adopted without using a DNA test. 

10 Signs You Were Secretly Adopted By Loving Family

1. You have many questions concerning your existence

From your birthdate to who your real father is and where you belong, many aspects of your existence remain unknown.

Regardless of how much love and attention your current parents provide, you still feel like something is missing. You don’t have the same connection with them that a child does with their parents.

Even still, nothing is really horrible. However, it appears like your family ties to them are missing something. No, it’s not ‘love’; it’s a strong emotional connection.

It causes so many misunderstandings and queries that you want to ask but refrain from asking at the last minute. You desire answers but don’t want to appear doubtful of your adopted parents’ emotions for you.

2. You want to know what you’re missing

There are so many questions on your mind. And the bewilderment you feel intensifies over time.

But the burning question that keeps you awake at night is why they abandoned you and what their motivations were for doing so. You’re feeling more and more hurt because you keep thinking there must be something wrong with you that caused your biological parents to abandon you.

It is an act of self-blame to allow your parents to make the most difficult decision of their lives. You understand your parents are not to blame, but you want to know why they do this.

3. Your birthday is the most difficult day on the calendar

The majority of adopted kids struggle to celebrate their birthdays each year. Because in many cases, their informed birthday corresponds to the date they were adopted.

And then there’s their actual birthday. Furthermore, this is the moment when you are most likely to think about your true parents. Inside, you’re always wondering if your real parents remember this day.

At the same time, you are grateful to have such a caring family that values you more than your biological ones.

4. You always feel unique

Indeed, you are a unique person in this world, not only within your current family. The feeling that you’ve been picked by someone helps you feel good about yourself, which boosts your self-confidence.

Of course, you believe that someone has rejected you. However, your adopted parents or guardians give you a special position. This keeps you feeling motivated and inspired all the time. After all, your relationship with them is not a coincidence; it is planned and developed.

5. You don’t resemble your parents or anyone else in the family

Body and facial clues might easily reveal whether or not you are an adopted child. Many people liken a child’s appearance to that of his or her parents.

In your case, however, the situation is very different. You have no matching genetic markings on your body or face, particularly those that children typically inherit from their biological parents.

Not being able to identify matching indications eventually leads to uncertainty about your true identity. Therefore, it makes sense for you to begin looking for your birth parents.

You are adopted when you have no distinguishing physical characteristics with your parents or closest relatives, such as eye, hair, or skin color.

6. When discussing family, you feel both sad and happy

Confusion about your parents and relatives is always on your mind. You want to know who they are and what their genuine name is.

Having such kind folks as family makes you appreciate how your adoptive parents love and care for you.

Just as being adopted hurts you terribly, having a family that welcomes you without hesitation gives you confidence in yourself. It is a mixed feeling. You have a sense of desertion, which makes you feel disregarded or rejected.

However, you also feel blessed because you know you have been selected by unique people who love you unconditionally.

7. Your pet and you have a unique bond that no other individual has

Most of the time, you are either alone or with your pet. There is a special bond you share with your pet. It’s the kind of connection you don’t have with anyone at home or anywhere.

There’s no reason to believe your guardians don’t care about you sufficiently, but you felt closer to the family pet.

In some ways, it appears like you are experiencing the same feelings as someone who has been adopted.

You both share comparable emotions and experiences. Plus, getting wonderful care. You both have no idea who your birth parents are, how they live, or where they are. 

8. You want to know whether you have a sibling or sister

And this is the most typical feeling among adopted people. They want to know who their parents and siblings are. They want to know where their parents are and if they have a sibling or sister.

Similarly, your existence is a lifelong puzzle for you. And you wish you could know everything about your family.

Your persistent hunt for signs and clues leads you to your family or someone who has similar skin tones or eye colors. If you see someone or a friend refer to them as your twin, the misunderstanding worsens.

9. Your family has no record of any relationship to you

When you are adopted, you have no legitimate evidence to prove your relationship to your current family. The parents either refuse to answer queries about your childhood.

Furthermore, anytime you inquire about something, they try to persuade you with the same story. The narrative you refuse to believe is true.

You can learn about your relationship with your current family by looking at family photos and other documentation.

However, if there is no evidence or you are provided with insufficient information, you may be correct.

Signs that you are an adopted child in this family include the lack of childhood photos and legal documents.

10. You have so much in life to be grateful for.

There are numerous reasons to be grateful in life, ranging from having loving adoptive parents to knowing that you are wanted.

In most situations, the ‘special sensation’ of being chosen by your current parents helps you cope with the experience of abandonment by your biological parents.

Remember that your current family opens up new opportunities in life. Not only will you have a home to live in, but you will also receive the feelings and care that you did not have from your own family. Of course, you want to find your biological parents. At the same time, you don’t want to offend or damage your adoptive parents’ sentiments.

You are very pleased to be among such wonderful people as your family, and you occasionally abandon the thought of finding your existence. Because you never want to lose your family again.

How to know if you are adopted without DNA test

1. Date of Conception

There are several methods for estimating the date of conception available on the internet. Keep in mind that they are techniques to help determine whether the putative father is the biological father. They cannot provide definitive answers on paternity.

2. Eye Color Test

An eye-color paternity test demonstrates how eye color and inherited-trait theory might be combined to assess paternity. This test is based on genetic theories and how they are inherited from biological parents. This test uses the mother’s, purported father’s, and child’s eye colors to establish whether paternity is possible.

3. Blood Type Test

A blood-type paternity test can also help rule out a potential father or assess whether paternity is plausible. The IDENTI GENE blood-type paternity test demonstrates how ABO blood-typing and inherited trait theory can help address paternity questions. This test uses the blood types of the mother, child, and claimed father to establish whether paternity is possible.


It is vital to realize that, in the end, communicating with your family is your best hope for finding out if you are adopted. That may not be an option if you are elderly and your family has died. 

However, if it is a possibility, merely asking the question may yield more responses than you expect. It may be difficult to address your family with such serious questions. However, you won’t know unless you ask. 

Your family may believe they are attempting to shield you from things you do not know. However, they may simply be waiting for you to ask, or they may believe it is the appropriate time when you do. It won’t hurt to try.

You may discover that you were not adopted and be able to acquire information that alleviates your fears or concerns. Depending on the reason you believe you are adopted, you may get your inquiry answered. Some may believe they do not look like their family or do not fit in.  



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